Random thread? Random thread... - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2024-03-21T07:20:10.712Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

No. 6125
{{{"Random thread?\n\nRandom thread" | renderPostMessage 6125}}}

No. 6164
{{{"It's completely random all right! Who else noticed that Justin Fields was traded to the Steelers?" | renderPostMessage 6164}}}

No. 6165
{{{"The Steelers of all people!" | renderPostMessage 6165}}}

No. 6179
{{{"And Pickett went to the Iggles. 🤯" | renderPostMessage 6179}}}

No. 6180
{{{">>6179\n\nI mean the Iggles aren't that great but I'm sure Pickett being there would at least spice up the competition" | renderPostMessage 6180}}}

No. 6182
Open file(221.20 KB, d1f810f7-23b4-45a6-83ae-bc14eb655425.mp4)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 6182}}}

No. 6185
{{{"I am interested to see how well Kirk Cousins does in Atlanta. Carolina is weak ass. New Orleans isn't much better. Tampa might be tough." | renderPostMessage 6185}}}

No. 6187
{{{"How tough we talking Tampa surely they can't be down bad? At least Atlanta is going all in" | renderPostMessage 6187}}}

No. 6189
{{{"What team is that?" | renderPostMessage 6189}}}

No. 6198
{{{"Meanwhile, you have the Cowboys literally doing nothing in free agency this season. I guess they don't want to win. Lol!" | renderPostMessage 6198}}}

No. 6199
{{{"Let them not win more results for actual better teams imo" | renderPostMessage 6199}}}
