Version 0.2.5
Bump for shari
>>23026 i havent but i do have plenty of time to waste while i'm looking on here! Agree with you totally that people should know better but sadly some people will fall for it and if i spend a few minutes and show them what he's like and is trying to do then perhaps they might think twice. I'm no WK but it doesn't cost anything to help yet it might cost them in many ways
I wouldn’t waste your time. You don’t know anyone that’s getting scammed . Anyone with half a brain knows to ignore spam posts. If someone gets scammed you wouldn’t know anyway. I think you might be doing this because you been scammed yourself. Because why even care when it’s anons and not designated user names like on a forum. Let the Indian gandu post and if people fall for it then it’s there fault. The mods delete his posts anyway. Don’t waste your time
>>23024 fair point
>>23021 whatever - I'm here because I want nudes too but don't like other people getting scammed trying to get the same as us. If he gets blitzed back then he might go elsewhere and stop annoying everyone here. Something wrong with that? No? Thought not
Bro it’s an anon messge boards ffs you don’t know anyone and no one knows you. No one cares about this Snapchat guy and no one cares who you save . Moralfag. You are ruining the message boards. Post bitches or gtfo.
Fuck off scammer. Also who got Zoey?
just in case your posts get deleted - people will see what you do
Mod edit: appreciate your effort man
>>22991 fair enough - if i stop one person from being scammed by you and your "I can get into Snapchat" nonsense then it's worthwhile
Going to be funny when admin deletes my posts and all there will be left in everyone post is you saying everything is a scam in the response to nothing as my posts will be deleted from admin lol. Then the cycle starts all again in a few hours lol. :) all I need is one person a day to bite and I’m happy.
Mod edit: lol look at this faggot and he's proud of his shit too. He will first ask you the girl to "hack" and then he'll get money from you. With that, he'll get some info on you and dox you AND with any info on the girl, he'll start BMing her too. Then threaten you that he will tell the girl about this and extort more money from you. Kys faggot. No one wants to give you money.