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I don't think that was either of their dogs, that was just stuff off the internet i'm pretty sure.
>>46672 he posted screenshots of him holding his dogs dick in their convos together and she sent some back
trying to link fat poop girl again?
Hazleton is a federal prison, dumbass. It's known for inmates dying. Whitey bulger had his tongue cut out while I was there. You clearly know fuck all nothing about being in prison.
spamDOTcom slash
Lmfao Hazelton in WV. Thats such a weak prison. It actually makes the local news when they find a shank there. Try Louisiana Prisons or somewhere that has alot of gangs besides some redneck WV prison then come back and tell us how you feel.
it seems august has a lot on his plate right now. while he is preparing the video here is a recap of everything so far. spam dotte com /u/kbe9s1Ac
you do go to prison for posting pics, and he's technically culpable in creating obscenity (beast porn)
he didn't fuck a dog, his exgf got licked and fondeled one at the very least, he has not shown that anything else happened. He will not go to jail for being an "animal rapist" because he didn't do that. She will though.