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Can someone repost the g.f. link?
Can anyone repost the old pics?
who is ruben

You will be a legend if dog stuff drops. Otherwise it'll be forgotten. Not trying to harsh, just being honest.
no one is gonna remember you just because you leaked your ex's pics, the dog stuff if she actually does anything besides getting licked by the dog. Ruben was a horrible person who bm'd girls way too young, you don't wanna be remembered that way. If she actually cheated on you she is not innocent, those girls were.
Bro, the real anons arent judging you for that. It's better that girls fuck dogs than niggers. But she was a cheater so it's good you expose the truth.

Bump for Mushka sex vids. Dog lives matter. We need to see.


nice man, pls come back with the dog vids and if u have any vids or pics of her talking about it
What did I miss, someone explain please :)
Needs a mega
Can you upload all the vids to go-file and share?