Version 0.2.5
Emily st@hl
I have more including videos, but not much service right now to post.
Cant get laid lol. forget her. i had her. but her sister. she was much bettter. trust me. go J3rK 0ff T0 Th@t !m@g3 keyboard warrior. but hey we are both in sudbury. name the time and place. ill show up alone. bring your whole crew.. if you have one.
Someones gotta have this milf, pk.
Here’s some slut from rc…
Down already. They r quick
Hahah, thanks for giving me a good laugh man. I never understood why dudes type like that.
Any summ3r b3rry?
Any Madison P., Emily M. or Summer H.? (Used to be Summer S.)
There's gotta be more Alison S out there
Any northern lebanon girls?