Version 0.2.5
And yea my male cousin denies it but you guys see the bbc fetish. Like I didn’t get this shit on my own. I’m half black and half white and I was assaulted multiple time by my black family. All he has said is “nothing happened Evan”. I’m bigger than him and have way more training. He’s scared of me and he’s lucky he’s stayed away from me cause he knows he’s getting a beat down if I see him.
You’d have to be an idiot to download a file like that. Anyways. I’ve spent way more time in the mental hospital then I’ve needed too. If you guys are really my fans then make a page to get me justice or make a gofund me. Like I’m done uploading until I get justice from the military
More Brielle G
Hoping there's more out there!
Any more Em R?
Link is a
What you don't believe an anon on a sketchy image board full of scammers? why just because he didn't post any kind of proof or thumbnails? do you really think someone would do that? lie on the internet?
anyone got philippino from sw?