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Hello anon, "leetspeak" or "133tspeak" or other such nonsense is old-fashioned computer-guy slang for that thing they do where they substitute lookalike characters, e.g. "@" for "a," "3" for "E," "5" for "S," etc.

So, reading "1m493f4p" in "leetspeak" gets you:
im a gef ap.
(add dotcom and there's your site).

Aw, now all these other douchebags will have to find somebody else to try to feel superior to, in order to soothe their pathetic insecurities. Poor things.

Anon, please pay it forward by being nice to someone online at some point.
Sandis isnt worth it.. Its 10$ you see a couple titty pics but otherwise its lingerie and some feet
Miranda Daigle b4 she got fat!!!
Bump for curiosity
Anyone got R@chelle Morri$?
Miranda Daigle?
Is a nickname