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Sh33na Muffi3
Yeah she is, I had a huge crush on her in HS
Damn she’s sexy
Kate A?

Ive been looking for her forever

Graduated Washington 2009
Use anon files . com
I mean, he isn't wrong. Women start to get wrinkles, grey hairs and sag in their late 20's. A female will 9/10 times be hotter at 20 than she is at 26, 28, 32, 35, etc.

Hell, I've seen the hottest girls in high school and college go to shit by their mid 20's. Sometimes I haven't even recognized them. And it's not because they are fat or ate up by drugs and drinking or anything, they just look like average 7/10 girls when they used to be 9+. It's like they all turned into generic housewives: not out of shape, not fat, not anything wrong in particular, just that their youthful hottness and glow has worn off. 16-25 is the prime for women. They can still be hot after that, but they'll never be at their peak no matter how hard they try.
Sorry, bro

It wont let me post the vids here

Here is another pic though
York and Dover wins?

Bambi S, went to Wash HS, hooked up with half the football team
Fuck yeah!!
Finally someone I actually know

Post the vids please!!