Version 0.2.5
{{{"anybody got something new of hers? she scams on snapchat atm" | renderPostMessage 34610}}}
{{{"I used to have all her vids. Her dancing, her riding BBC, but I lost them all when I lost my phone. Been looking for them again ever since." | renderPostMessage 34612}}} |
{{{"the sex vids are iffy doubt most of them or even her." | renderPostMessage 34615}}} |
{{{"she sells her old stuff but nothing in the recent months" | renderPostMessage 34617}}} |
{{{">>34615\nThey were proven not to be here, they were from a PH account of an adult couple. This tramp was scamming people with the sex vids." | renderPostMessage 34619}}} |
{{{"shes begging for money now, selling only ] her old shit lol" | renderPostMessage 34624}}} |
{{{"I used to have her on Insta and snap. One of the BBC vids seemed legit because I asked her to send a verification pic with the guy and surprisingly, she did. She changes socials so often, I don’t have any of them anymore. Anyone have her latest snap or Insta?" | renderPostMessage 34656}}} |
{{{"Just search luv \nlana on Insta" | renderPostMessage 34665}}} |
{{{"Her insta has a black&white profile pic with her laying down.search up the name in the post" | renderPostMessage 34666}}} |
{{{"Anyone got videos???" | renderPostMessage 34711}}} |
Open file(625.19 KB, 1080x2280, Untitled(2).jpg) {{{">>34610\n\nI'm not even sure her socials are real anymore, she hasn't posted much of anything other than memes or car pics for like half a year, if there is any new win please share" | renderPostMessage 34714}}} |
{{{"The luv lana insta has recent pics and recent stuff on the story sometimes \nBut no updated nudes on the snap she promotes on it, just the old stuff" | renderPostMessage 34727}}} |
{{{"Some of her sex vids were actually her. Not to mention she was always stripping and bating at night if you texted her. \n\nShe was at her best when all anyone thought she did was send twerk vids to pages on IG." | renderPostMessage 34748}}} |
{{{"there was a handcuff vid that i used to have, im pretty sure that was her" | renderPostMessage 34751}}} |
{{{"does anyone know the ph account she took sex vids from" | renderPostMessage 34764}}} |
{{{"Hannah_crackshit insta" | renderPostMessage 34785}}} |
{{{"The person on snap is a guy selling her old pics. He also made a fake insta of her. Considering both were mentioned, I'm guessing he is self promoting his fake socials to trick idiots into buying old stuff" | renderPostMessage 34811}}} |
{{{">>34751\n\nYeah, that was legit her. That one and the one on the floor in front of the giant tv." | renderPostMessage 34813}}} |
{{{">>34785\n\nThats a fake ruben girls account, and its not lahna you faggot" | renderPostMessage 34831}}} |
Open file(105.19 KB, 638x1136, Photo Nov 10, 3 20 52 PM.jpg) {{{">>34727\n\nI thought looveeely01 was her only account, maybe thats not her anymore, all i know is i haven't seen any new vids of her anywhere for a long time" | renderPostMessage 34834}}} |
Open file(186.97 KB, 1125x1973, 1DACB868-95AF-401E-8B07-27D48D687353.jpeg) {{{"Found from reverse image" | renderPostMessage 34840}}} |
{{{"That’s the fake vids she sold" | renderPostMessage 34869}}} |
{{{">>34871\ndead" | renderPostMessage 34872}}} |
{{{">>34872\nRetard" | renderPostMessage 34876}}} |
{{{"where has you link gone? oh its gone becuase it was dead check before posting retard" | renderPostMessage 34878}}} |
{{{">>34878\nThe link was removed because joining random disspams posted by complete strangers in a thread dedicated to pornographic material of a 14yo girl is a good way to end up in the party v&. The fact that you actually clicked it is what makes you a retard. Of course you'll double down on being a retarded cunt rather than show gratitude that I tried to keep your dumbass out of jail." | renderPostMessage 34879}}} |
{{{"*7)b:3Za=tZ%Vsu.\n\ndoes not work. Damn." | renderPostMessage 34881}}} |
{{{"lol carefull with them tears you might damage your keyboard baby anon waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" | renderPostMessage 34883}}} |
{{{">>34878\n>>34879\n>>34883\nYou have to be a special kind of stupid to keep falling for those scams in 2022." | renderPostMessage 34884}}} |
{{{"As I predicted, he would double down on being a retard.\n\n>>34884\nHe's definitely a special kind of stupid. His opsec is based on sheer luck, luck that so far he's only fallen for scams and not LEA honeypots. The good news is that tards like this tend to off themselves in prison." | renderPostMessage 34888}}} |
{{{">>34878\n>joins random disspams on an illegal site\n>calls others a retard\n\nomegalul" | renderPostMessage 34904}}} |
{{{"Yo any chance of da reup" | renderPostMessage 34992}}} |
{{{"im knowing someone got that handcuff vid" | renderPostMessage 35064}}} |
{{{"Reup" | renderPostMessage 35181}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 35563}}} |
Open file(123.20 KB, 750x1334, Photo Nov 10, 3 23 57 PM.jpg) {{{">>35064\n\ni looked, i ain't got it" | renderPostMessage 35572}}} |
{{{">>35572\nMore of what you do have? Damn she’s fine" | renderPostMessage 35581}}} |
Open file(116.90 KB, 828x1484, Photo Nov 10, 3 22 01 PM.jpg) {{{">>35581" | renderPostMessage 35593}}} |
{{{"need the twerks" | renderPostMessage 35597}}} |
Open file(2.35 MB, LegionCaliente (43).mp4) ![]() {{{"" | renderPostMessage 35607}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 35640}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 35919}}} |
{{{"Whats her current socials?" | renderPostMessage 36025}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 36386}}} |
{{{"what street was she on in these?" | renderPostMessage 36447}}} |
{{{">>36447\nI wouldn't know man, it's not like there are gps coordinates in the files" | renderPostMessage 36469}}} |
{{{"None of the sex vids were real. People found the various PH videos she used. Also, when asked to provide proof it was her, she blocked. Last time I looked, she was still pushing old content." | renderPostMessage 36484}}} |
{{{">>36484\nShe verified a video for me. I asked her to wear the same outfit, hold up three fingers, and how her face and she did surprisingly. I think the issue is that 99% of the socials out there aren’t really her. They’re dudes who have her old shit that are trying to sell it passing off as “her”." | renderPostMessage 36510}}} |
{{{">>36510\nProve it or stfu. It has been proven she was trying to sell vids she ripped from PH." | renderPostMessage 36512}}} |
{{{">>36512\nI don’t need to prove shit, since I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not. But I will correct you if you’re wrong, and you are wrong. She did send verifications over Snap (hence why I can’t prove it even if I wanted to). If you don’t believe me, cool. Go angrily flick your tiny cock, I don’t give a fuck." | renderPostMessage 36583}}} |
{{{">>36583\nbut guys guys i promise she did i just cant prove it because you know snap, you just CANT do anything to save that no matter what omgz yeah yeah shut the fuck up and go away little boi" | renderPostMessage 36589}}} |
{{{">I don’t need to prove shit\nActually yes you do Tyrone because your words mean shit on a board like this." | renderPostMessage 36596}}} |
{{{">>36589\nWho the fuck gets a verification snap and says “you know what, I better save this so I can prove it to some dumb nigger on an anon board in 2 years” What the fuck would I even have to gain by making that shit up? You probably got scammed by some paneer pretending to be her like a dumb fucking peabrain retard you are and are just mad that others had her legit shit." | renderPostMessage 36598}}} |
{{{">>36598\nWhat kind of 14 yo jumps through hoops just to convince some deadbeat pajeet with no money that her vids are real? most don't bother because they don't need to, hundreds of other thirsty retards will send money without verification. You keep posting but so far there's no evidence of these videos, you're a lying bastard and an exceptional faggot." | renderPostMessage 36601}}} |
{{{">>36601\nYou still haven’t explained what I would have to gain by making that shit up. She verified on snap for me - I don’t know nor do I care if she did or did not do it for other people too. Just because she didn’t do it for you, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen for others. Like I originally stated, the main problem was scammers were pretending to be her. THOSE were the people reselling her old content, selling content that wasn’t hers, and not verifying. I know for a fact that some of the IG accounts were fake, and one was real. And I know that because I asked her to take a video selfie holding up three fingers and talking to the camera, which she fucking did. Deny it all you want because you got scammed by a haji and not her, but I did not." | renderPostMessage 36603}}} |
{{{">>36601\nHere are screen shots of our conversation through IG, with any identifiable information blocked out. The “photo” circled in the pic was a verification pic, and she sent a verification vid on Snap as well. Her IG was reported because she was selling UA content, and got nuked. That’s why her IG handle now just says Instagram User and the verification pic is no longer viewable. However, if you use your fucking brain and read our conversation you can clearly ascertain that she did send the verifications, albeit she was hesitant to do so at first. Or, you can just be a fucking faggot and think I’m making all of this up with absolutely nothing to gain." | renderPostMessage 36604}}} |
{{{">Says he has no proof\n>a few hours later miraculously has proof\n\nlul. I can see the way that conversation is going, you asked her to verify and she got bitchy and removed you. That's what all scamming teens do. She was 14yo and yet she's wearing the trousers in that conversation lmao you beta cuck faggot. It doesn't prove shit anyway, you hid your response so you obviously have something to hide there." | renderPostMessage 36606}}} |
{{{">>36606\nI never said I didn’t have proof. I said I couldn’t provide proof of the snap verification you dumbfuck, use your dumb nigger brain to learn comprehension. And I also said any identifiable information was blocked out, so don’t act completely shocked when whole messages that contain our snap handles are blocked out." | renderPostMessage 36608}}} |
{{{"we already said that she sells her old shit. the sex vids are not her" | renderPostMessage 36611}}} |
{{{"It looks to me like you asked her to verify, she removed you and now that's you getting chewed out and removed for it. You've proven nothing faggot other than the fact that you're a faggot, faggot." | renderPostMessage 36612}}} |
{{{">>36612\nI purchased her private snap. Then I told her I wouldn’t buy her videos without verification, because there were a lot of fake IGs and Snaps of her going around. Then she said, if I didn’t like it, she could just remove me from the private snap (she didn’t). I said how tf is that fair, I already paid for it. She finally gave in and sent a verification video on snap, and a verification pic on IG to prove both accounts were really her, so that I would buy her vid. How the fuck is that so hard to comprehend or believe? I AGAIN implore anyone to explain what I would have to gain from making that up. I’ll wait." | renderPostMessage 36613}}} |
{{{"What does anyone have to gain by lying on a chan board? but millions have still done it. Post the second pic with less censorship and maybe I will believe you otherwise you shall remain a lying faggot." | renderPostMessage 36614}}} |
{{{">>36613\nHence the comment she made “like I said, I was real. But you didn’t believe me.”\n\nWhy the fuck would she say that if she didn’t just send a verification pic." | renderPostMessage 36615}}} |
{{{"just cause she verified doesn't mean that's her in the sex vids. she sold TWERKS and hasn't made any new stuff since except for tiktoks for months" | renderPostMessage 36616}}} |
{{{"her insta is ((looveeely01)) her sister follows that account also" | renderPostMessage 36617}}} |
{{{"we cant even see the verification to know if it was good or not. People here fall for all kinds of fakes and think the soph bj vid is real lmao no offense but you don't seem like the smartest guy out there, especially not texting 14yos on insta and snap asking for nudes" | renderPostMessage 36620}}} |
{{{">>36616\nI agree with you, some of the shit that was being sold was fake. What I’M saying is I bought ONE of her videos and she verified it. I didn’t believe it was her in the original video, because in the video she is wearing a mask. She was wearing a mask in the original video for obvious reasons, which is why I said I wouldn’t buy without the verification. That’s where we began to disagree with each other in the conversation. She finally sent a video snap on the same bed, in the same room, with the same guy with her holding up three fingers and talking to the camera, like I asked her to do." | renderPostMessage 36621}}} |
{{{">>35607\nsaw the tittle" | renderPostMessage 36641}}} |
{{{">>36621\n\nBe the hero and post this" | renderPostMessage 36785}}} |
{{{">>36785\nafter everyone just called him a liar fagot beta cuck lol good luck w that" | renderPostMessage 36789}}} |
{{{">>36789\nHe could go from being a liar faggot beta cuck to a pretty cool faggot beta cuck" | renderPostMessage 36793}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 36996}}} |
{{{"I’ll post her videos if someone posts “princess”" | renderPostMessage 37105}}} |
{{{">>37105\nPrincess" | renderPostMessage 37106}}} |
Open file(116.34 KB, 1136x1784, DBE8B5BF-0CD4-4AC5-97FB-A7C014CE99BA.jpeg) {{{">>37106" | renderPostMessage 37111}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 37139}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 37140}}} |
{{{">>37114\nI’m requesting her for lahnas vids" | renderPostMessage 37142}}} |
Open file(339.51 KB, 302x600, 6062034bf6e1bf1391547e5e24eb225375ca1a4d208076bc252767859f76936d.png) {{{">>37142\n>>37142\nGot her vids and pics, it's not much but I have them\nFuck -rs and hoarders tho, post Lahna (the new stuff, not what everyone else has since last year) and I'll post" | renderPostMessage 37151}}} |
{{{">>37151\nthat's not her, dude. look at her face." | renderPostMessage 37152}}} |
{{{">>37151\n>\"Fuck tr4d3rs and hoarders\"\n>Proceeds to hoard and asks for tr4d3" | renderPostMessage 37155}}} |
{{{">>37151\nnot even close to the same girl, dumbass" | renderPostMessage 37165}}} |
Open file(215.99 KB, 360x640, a.png) {{{">>37155\nWell, I didn't start it, didn't I? If that poster had posted his stuff, like \"Here's what I have, now please help me with this other thing I've been looking for\" someone might have considered helping him\nBut since he wanted to be a colossal faggot about it, I guess everyone will ahve to be a colossal faggot\n>>37152\n>>37165\nToo much fapping has made you blind and/or retarded, just look at her tits, her body, her skin and the setting (and also her face)\nIn any case here's a screen from the same video that poster took the screenshot from; notice the same lamplight, pillows and room" | renderPostMessage 37168}}} |
{{{">>37168\nAre you fucking stupid? The girl you're posting is hebeharambe's \"diamond princess.\" Luvlahna is completely different. They're different ages, have different faces, and are completely different girls." | renderPostMessage 37169}}} |
{{{">>37168\n\nThat one isn't her either you fucking faceblind autist" | renderPostMessage 37171}}} |
{{{">>37169\n>>37171\nI am not posting luvlana you absolute fucking dense retard, you are blind, stupid AND can't read the fucking topic before jumping in\nAt this point you guys gotta be trolling, no one can find this site and still be this inept\nFine then, if whoever requested \"princess\" understood, he can post the lahna stuff and I'll psot in return, otherwise I don't care" | renderPostMessage 37174}}} |
{{{"ml 5FD094F" | renderPostMessage 37175}}} |
{{{"xr /video/26954" | renderPostMessage 37176}}} |
{{{"Wow..WTF happened om this thread..lol" | renderPostMessage 37178}}} |
{{{">>37168\nLol I didn’t post cuz link would of been nuked within a minute. I only have some of her old stuff. Exactly why I didn’t want to put effort into someone who already has it unless someone doesn’t then I’ll link" | renderPostMessage 37198}}} |
{{{"wtf is an xr video \n\nhelp me out i’m a little retarded" | renderPostMessage 37204}}} |
{{{">>37176\ndoesnt even look like her" | renderPostMessage 37206}}} |
{{{"what’s the name of the second girl" | renderPostMessage 37208}}} |
{{{"up" | renderPostMessage 37285}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 37409}}} |
Open file(2.57 MB, VID_20220105_231411_384.mp4) ![]() {{{"" | renderPostMessage 37466}}} |
Open file(1.18 MB, VID_20220105_231547_580.mp4) ![]() {{{"" | renderPostMessage 37495}}} |
{{{"Wish she made stuff again" | renderPostMessage 37592}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 37760}}} |
{{{"bump, one of the hottest chicks in /t/" | renderPostMessage 37786}}} |
{{{"links? bump" | renderPostMessage 38002}}} |
{{{"bumb for the love of god dont let this die" | renderPostMessage 38181}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 38415}}} |
Open file(295.77 KB, 585x1254, lahna.jpg) {{{"It's not everything, but here is what I have on Lahna:\n\nmir(dot)cr / 0FQDFLZ5\n\npass: !a6}-Uw!pn#a-khn\n\nEnjoy!" | renderPostMessage 38449}}} |