mia - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2022-04-03T15:38:22.529Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

Open file(142.70 KB, 1072x1920, IMG_2387_M.jpg)


No. 45622
{{{"somebody please have her stuff" | renderPostMessage 45622}}}

No. 45745
{{{">>45622\nI've got six vids, tired of uploading and re uping though so I'll add them when I know you're here waiting to get them straight away." | renderPostMessage 45745}}}

No. 45746
{{{">>45622 are they really good ? ill hang around if there great. ty sir. may the perve gods bless your collection always." | renderPostMessage 45746}}}

No. 45748
{{{"At the ready" | renderPostMessage 45748}}}

No. 45750
{{{"yes please mr wizard" | renderPostMessage 45750}}}

No. 45752
{{{"Are they good?..... They are what they are and here they are. All start the same so get them quick\n\n1.zippy / v / kAybYOv9/file.html\n\n/ v / Dm1VFWux/file.html\n\n/ v / wkWAOEMP/file.html\n\n/ v / XTyIR7zE/file.html\n\n/ v / JqyRnX6j/file.html\n\n/ v / R47ZA5cP/file.html" | renderPostMessage 45752}}}

No. 45753
{{{"what am i doing wrong? i go on zippy share and cant find the files ?" | renderPostMessage 45753}}}

No. 45754
{{{">>45752\ndo you know anything more about her?\nalso ty king" | renderPostMessage 45754}}}

No. 45758
{{{">>45753\nUse a proxy site, zippy is blocked by many isp" | renderPostMessage 45758}}}

No. 45765
{{{">>45758\n\nNot my problem, get a vpn" | renderPostMessage 45765}}}

No. 45766
{{{"thanks Wizard. Any more Big Bertha stuff? Maybe more Bunny" | renderPostMessage 45766}}}

No. 45768
{{{">>45766\nKnew nothing about big bertha stuff/girls until I saw it mentioned recently. I don't really know who the BB girls are so don't know if i have more or not?" | renderPostMessage 45768}}}

No. 45771
{{{"what id like to know is how they figure out to send out these hd videos lol" | renderPostMessage 45771}}}

No. 45779
{{{">>45765\nI, uh, was helping the other guy, I don't have any problem" | renderPostMessage 45779}}}

No. 45780
{{{">>45752\n>Are they good?\nThank you! HD, good lighting, bald cunt, long vids - not short thot teasers that girls make, pretty bod - no tats. All 3 holes get inspected. 5 stars!" | renderPostMessage 45780}}}

No. 45786
{{{">>45753\nyou need the www1.zi etc or it will not find the correct file." | renderPostMessage 45786}}}

No. 45787
{{{">>45766\n>>45779\n\nIn that case, my apologies. Just used to people on here whinging and expecting all the work to be done by others." | renderPostMessage 45787}}}

No. 45791
{{{">>45787\nIt's all good, thanks for the contribution! Good evening" | renderPostMessage 45791}}}

No. 45816
{{{"Thanks Wiz, any chance you have Emilie. She was not a Rooben girl, but think she was Bee-Emmed." | renderPostMessage 45816}}}

No. 45855
{{{">>45752\nThanks Wizard! I grabbed Brook too, do you have any more BB besides those 2? Best posts I've seen here. Legend!" | renderPostMessage 45855}}}

No. 45858
{{{">>45855\n\nFuck where’s Brook?" | renderPostMessage 45858}}}

No. 45872
{{{">>45858\nDown now sorry" | renderPostMessage 45872}}}

No. 46129
{{{">>45766\nBig Bertha is a collector. The original source behind the BB Gil’s is from a user, Obisjay. The guy would target super young naive girls on instagram, make them fall in love with his online fake persona. The rest is history. Obisjay was a member of Supreme. The original leak was through Supreme years ago back when there were no coded walls. The guy is in prison." | renderPostMessage 46129}}}

No. 46137
{{{">>46129\n Right, well there you go! Thanks" | renderPostMessage 46137}}}

No. 46138
{{{">>46129\nNot true at all, stop shilling your larping group Supreme was full of desperate pajeets and all of their content is shit." | renderPostMessage 46138}}}

No. 46143
{{{">>46138\nOh look anons mini Will Smith mad lol he may slap us with more edgy fag boy insults" | renderPostMessage 46143}}}

No. 46152
{{{"To add to wizard's post (thank you, as always, wizard), here's my complete collection. Warning, BIG file.\n\npass: 4ANON" | renderPostMessage 46152}}}

No. 46206
{{{">>46152\nPass is wrong" | renderPostMessage 46206}}}

No. 46207
{{{">>46206\nget your dick out of your hand, try using both. it worked for me" | renderPostMessage 46207}}}

No. 46210
{{{"file where?" | renderPostMessage 46210}}}

No. 46211
{{{">>46207\nfile doesn't exist" | renderPostMessage 46211}}}

No. 46213
{{{"It worked pretty fine" | renderPostMessage 46213}}}

No. 46220
{{{">>46152\nWhat do i use for this?" | renderPostMessage 46220}}}