Version 0.2.5
{{{"Full 20 min vid is where?" | renderPostMessage 72359}}}
{{{"Bump!" | renderPostMessage 72384}}} |
{{{"Bump for full vid" | renderPostMessage 72398}}} |
{{{"would legit pay for the full HD 20 min vid" | renderPostMessage 72399}}} |
{{{"What street did she live on in this video?" | renderPostMessage 72409}}} |
{{{">>72409\n8th, hard to believe I know but she has a growth defect." | renderPostMessage 72415}}} |
{{{">>72415\nI can think of 13 reasons why this is BS. His Grace YouTuber Lord Abbadon was known for applying spunk mask facials to many of his young followers. Yasmine ran away from home and it was many days before she was found in his Grace's home with a much cleared complexion and silky soft skin with a bit of a funny walk for days after being returned to her home.\n\nYou know there has to be much more than one 20 minute vid." | renderPostMessage 72421}}} |