Version 0.2.5
{{{"Looking for a good tri-cities thread! They all disappeared!" | renderPostMessage 747}}}
Open file(23.23 KB, 342x457, u500.jpg) {{{"Allie S from Erwin" | renderPostMessage 748}}} |
Open file(68.48 KB, 720x960, image0.jpg) {{{"@lli E from JC" | renderPostMessage 749}}} |
{{{">>749\nit is incredibly important than moar of this girl's boobs be shared." | renderPostMessage 750}}} |
{{{">>750\nSo post em homie" | renderPostMessage 751}}} |
{{{"Nicole" | renderPostMessage 752}}} |
{{{">>752\nWhy do sexy girls feel the need to do such disgusting stuff to themselves. They get enough attention without the stupid hair, tats, and piercings." | renderPostMessage 753}}} |
{{{">>753\n Wow your a judgmental Idiot! If you don't approve just STFU!" | renderPostMessage 754}}} |
Open file(45.18 KB, 660x1305, FB_IMG_1629702885293.jpg) {{{"I've got some super rare nudes from Casey G" | renderPostMessage 755}}} |
{{{">>755\nPost them!" | renderPostMessage 756}}} |
{{{">>748\nLast name?" | renderPostMessage 758}}} |
Open file(599.04 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210626-153735_Instagram.jpg) {{{"Post those Casey g. Iv got a bunch to drop its taking them forever to load up... katie brumfeild" | renderPostMessage 759}}} |
{{{"I've got plenty, nice share btw" | renderPostMessage 760}}} |
{{{"Anyone have some from bristol?" | renderPostMessage 761}}} |
{{{"We need more posts \n\nBlowjob GIF https://media0.giphy.com/media/Yb2v3qpbSmN4xxLjNK/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b95275a17233d712ad800ae8be6d970b53a1903e5aba&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g" | renderPostMessage 762}}} |
{{{"It wouldn't let me post this gif of tabby" | renderPostMessage 763}}} |
Open file(49.96 KB, 616x1334, RDT_20210823_1012205272675255630633675.jpg) {{{"@llie" | renderPostMessage 764}}} |
{{{"I've got some abigail (hi)ll, does anyone have rachel (w)hite?" | renderPostMessage 765}}} |
{{{">>765\nLet's see @bigail" | renderPostMessage 768}}} |
{{{"Anyone know Lilly or sam" | renderPostMessage 769}}} |
{{{"We better not be getting dry" | renderPostMessage 774}}} |
Open file(481.83 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210708-195636_Discord.jpg) {{{"Any Ashley mowday. Tara bridgeman or savannah wards? Here's amber Morton" | renderPostMessage 775}}} |
Open file(18.49 KB, 508x521, FB_IMG_1629816416114.jpg) {{{"I've got Coletta Wards 3 some video?" | renderPostMessage 776}}} |
Open file(31.18 KB, 640x661, FB_IMG_1629816979085.jpg) {{{"Also any Cheyenne Blake?" | renderPostMessage 777}}} |
{{{"Savannah W" | renderPostMessage 778}}} |
{{{"L3ah C? Harrogate?" | renderPostMessage 779}}} |
{{{">>769\nI feel like I know the second photo... have any more?" | renderPostMessage 780}}} |
{{{">>776\nHell yeah let's see it. Any nudes?" | renderPostMessage 781}}} |
Open file(124.97 KB, 1242x1242, FB_IMG_1629908325233.jpg) {{{"I don't, I used to but I switched phones. I've got some nice ones on camille, but hardly anyone posting but me lol" | renderPostMessage 788}}} |
{{{">>775\nDang haven’t seen this one of her yet. Any more? I got some of her too to post if want" | renderPostMessage 796}}} |
{{{">>754\nYou're and yes. I don't fuck with girls that make poor choices because of their mental deficiencies." | renderPostMessage 800}}} |
{{{">>776\nPost it or don't. Only faggots tease other guys." | renderPostMessage 801}}} |
Open file(1.84 MB, 1213x1769, 20191222_164858.png) {{{"Here's an Emily" | renderPostMessage 815}}} |
{{{"Anyone have\nCathryn Hall\nCasey Easterly (Stewart)" | renderPostMessage 823}}} |
{{{"Anyone have any, absolutely any Kell! R0berts?? The girl in the picture for this thread" | renderPostMessage 846}}} |
{{{"Someone help me out here. Her onlyfans is only 5 bucks Someone sub and tell me what's up with it? I can't sub for certain reason https://onlyfans.com/ladyjewellzzz" | renderPostMessage 847}}} |
{{{">>847\nJust change your username.... its not that hard" | renderPostMessage 849}}} |
{{{"Bump for more of her" | renderPostMessage 859}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 860}}} |
{{{"Does Barbara K3llee have any wins floating around?" | renderPostMessage 861}}} |
{{{"Hannah Robert's score" | renderPostMessage 863}}} |
Open file(446.42 KB, 1170x2152, 1170x2208_91e3a7e6380757093a7506776faeb4d4.jpg) {{{">>860" | renderPostMessage 864}}} |
Open file(160.68 KB, 720x960, 20210901_014315.jpg) {{{"Bump for camille painter or alli e" | renderPostMessage 869}}} |
Open file(1.34 MB, 864x935, 1612105027140-1.png) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 874}}} |
Open file(1.61 MB, 864x1139, 1612105027140-0.png) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 875}}} |
Open file(802.13 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-01-04-21-07-12.png) {{{"Keep em comin homies \nSummer kelly hvhs. Old pic she's methed out now" | renderPostMessage 879}}} |
{{{"Bump for bristol" | renderPostMessage 890}}} |
Open file(239.28 KB, 640x960, YInKgGo.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 895}}} |
{{{"Holy shit yeah dude let's see colletta!" | renderPostMessage 899}}} |
Open file(17.82 KB, 508x635, FB_IMG_1630709638955.jpg) {{{"Let's see those titties" | renderPostMessage 900}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 902}}} |
Open file(160.37 KB, 720x899, 20210904_001450.jpg) {{{"Bump for kaley jade or shaylan mackenzie" | renderPostMessage 903}}} |
{{{"Where'd you find the Colletta pics? Her 0 F shut down a while back and I've been looking for those" | renderPostMessage 904}}} |
{{{"Here's a video of her getting fucked while sucking someone off\n\nhttps://porneeo.com/videos/346/coletta-w-fuck-and-suck/" | renderPostMessage 907}}} |
Open file(191.62 KB, 960x1280, 960x1280_cacaa87da7168d46664b8455b64c0763979555.jpg) {{{">>903\n\nYou all enjoy 😉 \n\nhttps://porneeo.com/videos/347/shannon-loves-blowjobs/" | renderPostMessage 908}}} |
{{{"Any Anna palm3r? Goes to mtsu" | renderPostMessage 915}}} |
{{{"More emily!" | renderPostMessage 930}}} |
{{{"Post more 🥴" | renderPostMessage 931}}} |
{{{">>908\nWow, just wow. More of her!" | renderPostMessage 932}}} |
{{{"anyone got Emily Ed.onds? ETSU" | renderPostMessage 935}}} |
{{{"Nice shit" | renderPostMessage 938}}} |
{{{"All the beggin but ain't no body posting 🤣" | renderPostMessage 940}}} |
{{{"Nothing new out there from bristol?" | renderPostMessage 962}}} |
{{{">>908" | renderPostMessage 965}}} |
{{{"Does anyone have any of Ashley?" | renderPostMessage 967}}} |
{{{"what does last name rhyme with?" | renderPostMessage 972}}} |
{{{">>749 last name rhymes with?…." | renderPostMessage 974}}} |
Open file(452.76 KB, 1623x2160, ShanMar (4).jpeg) {{{">>965" | renderPostMessage 990}}} |
{{{"Anyone got anything on her used to go by Hutchin now goes by webb" | renderPostMessage 992}}} |
{{{"Ashley Thomas" | renderPostMessage 993}}} |
{{{">>990\nMore of Shannon!" | renderPostMessage 995}}} |
{{{"Any more of amber morton?!" | renderPostMessage 1000}}} |
{{{"Plenty if people keep posting hampton/ elizabethton chicks" | renderPostMessage 1001}}} |
{{{"Def interested in some anna hutchin" | renderPostMessage 1012}}} |
{{{">>755\nAny more Casey G?" | renderPostMessage 1019}}} |
Open file(266.60 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210911-143215_Gallery.jpg) {{{"Someone has to have some of her heres another shannon" | renderPostMessage 1024}}} |
{{{"Ever been anything on crystal B(ible)?" | renderPostMessage 1028}}} |
{{{"Any Crystal W. S.\nBiiiig ol chest" | renderPostMessage 1030}}} |
{{{"Anyone have some of the King softball team?" | renderPostMessage 1050}}} |
{{{"bump for more [email protected]" | renderPostMessage 1054}}} |
Open file(1.40 MB, 1279x807, lay.png) {{{"Anybody have Courtney Sparks?\n\nHeres her friend" | renderPostMessage 1061}}} |
{{{"We need more" | renderPostMessage 1123}}} |
{{{"Any1 have a c0řđ inv?" | renderPostMessage 1126}}} |
{{{"Anyone have [email protected] [email protected]?" | renderPostMessage 1163}}} |
{{{"Any Alli Bow ling went to ES" | renderPostMessage 1195}}} |
{{{"Anyone know Anna? Someone said she had wins" | renderPostMessage 1234}}} |
{{{"All these sluts in Greeneville and no posts????" | renderPostMessage 1293}}} |
{{{"All of these sluts in Greeneville and no new posts?!" | renderPostMessage 1294}}} |
{{{"Any wins of Viol3t Bo$$ from Greeneville?" | renderPostMessage 1295}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 1409}}} |
{{{"Brigunter?" | renderPostMessage 1410}}} |
{{{">>902\nlink?" | renderPostMessage 1443}}} |
{{{"Any more of shannon Martin?" | renderPostMessage 1444}}} |
{{{"Any Lydia burn5 from etsu?" | renderPostMessage 1474}}} |
{{{"We need a new place for tha videos" | renderPostMessage 1520}}} |
{{{">>1522\nAvoid. He’s a scammer" | renderPostMessage 1525}}} |
{{{"Ashley Bynum? Payton Vaughn?" | renderPostMessage 1632}}} |
{{{"Any April B3nnett wins" | renderPostMessage 1634}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 1701}}} |
{{{"Hannah King wins" | renderPostMessage 1867}}} |
{{{"I wanna see more of the girl with the butterfly shirt and purple lips" | renderPostMessage 1938}}} |
{{{"Wish someone would share some of her, there was a older thread someone shared her tits, but that was years ago" | renderPostMessage 1949}}} |
{{{"Butterfly shirt girl. We definitely need to see some wins!!" | renderPostMessage 1952}}} |
{{{"https://onlyfans.com/thegirlnextdoor1996" | renderPostMessage 1956}}} |
{{{"Someone sub and leak that shit lol" | renderPostMessage 1957}}} |
{{{">>815\n\nLast name rhyme with?" | renderPostMessage 1959}}} |
{{{"Doesn't have much content. Worth it? Because illl buy and leak. Anyone wanna contribute?" | renderPostMessage 1965}}} |
{{{"Just subbed!!" | renderPostMessage 1967}}} |
{{{"Post what's on there lol" | renderPostMessage 1968}}} |
{{{"She said she'll post more tonight. Not too much on it right now if you still wanna see" | renderPostMessage 1970}}} |
{{{"He'll yeah post that shit up" | renderPostMessage 1971}}} |
{{{"Michelle hoss pics or onlyfans account name?" | renderPostMessage 1972}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 1973}}} |
{{{"Still waiting on updates" | renderPostMessage 1986}}} |
{{{"Yes. I want to see more of Kelli" | renderPostMessage 1994}}} |
{{{"Lillil888 is a pretty good onlyfans if some one will leak it" | renderPostMessage 1997}}} |
Open file(605.91 KB, 1079x1081, Screenshot_20211031-103504_Instagram.jpg) {{{"Anyone have akasha? I'd kill for those tits" | renderPostMessage 2009}}} |
{{{"We need more Unicoi sluts" | renderPostMessage 2120}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 2122}}} |
{{{"Omg yes. Ty mystery person. If u don't mind keep them coming." | renderPostMessage 2130}}} |
{{{"I bought Kelli’s OF and it’s garbage. Don’t waste your money. The ones already posted here are the best ones." | renderPostMessage 2222}}} |
{{{"Well that's a dam shame. I wanted to check her out completely. Dam.." | renderPostMessage 2225}}} |
{{{"Any Allie h1t3??" | renderPostMessage 2228}}} |
{{{"Yeah she seems to be a thirst trap, she doesn't seem to wanna show anything at all, doubt she will with what she has posted thus far" | renderPostMessage 2236}}} |
{{{"Looking for Michelle hoss will -" | renderPostMessage 2253}}} |
{{{"(M)ichell(e) hoss will -" | renderPostMessage 2266}}} |
{{{"The colletta link broken. Who’s got that shit lol" | renderPostMessage 2275}}} |
Open file(980.39 KB, 1079x1220, Screenshot_20211108-084610.png) {{{"Anything ever on Hannah S?" | renderPostMessage 2305}}} |
{{{"I was the one who posted the kelli pics. Got a couple more....AND a nude frontal" | renderPostMessage 2403}}} |
{{{"I know y’all got em" | renderPostMessage 2407}}} |
{{{"I wanna see them big tittie's. I wanna see more of her plz. I offer this" | renderPostMessage 2410}}} |
Open file(714.67 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211112-070332_Calculator.jpg) {{{"Kelli posted a new video. She has a couple others posted also. Still have that full frontal. I paid for her OF, anyone wanna contribute?" | renderPostMessage 2504}}} |
{{{"Anyone have [email protected] M0rt0n\nCan post her sister or other tei cities content in exchange" | renderPostMessage 2507}}} |
{{{">>2504\nJust post it. I paid for it too and that video is the closest thing I’ve seen to a nude lol" | renderPostMessage 2515}}} |
{{{"Video? What video. I wanna see plz. Lol" | renderPostMessage 2520}}} |
{{{"Anybody have Michelle hoss?" | renderPostMessage 2523}}} |
{{{"Any Jessa Shelton?" | renderPostMessage 2531}}} |
{{{"this is what i got from IG about a year ago. sry about the censors, but i dont have the originals. anyone got anything else?" | renderPostMessage 2537}}} |
{{{"Anyone got Kelly Scott? Was selling a few years ago" | renderPostMessage 2538}}} |
Open file(882.17 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211113-171057_Calculator.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 2553}}} |
{{{">>2537\nI pumped like 8 loads into her one weekend we stayed in a hotel together. She is a literal cum dump and wants to be fucked." | renderPostMessage 2554}}} |
{{{"any rhea county girls" | renderPostMessage 2555}}} |
{{{"That’s the same pic I got from her. Seems she just sends the same pics to everyone, if she is ever on that is" | renderPostMessage 2557}}} |
{{{"Fck yeah.. God she's fine as fck. I envy all of ya lol" | renderPostMessage 2566}}} |
{{{"Anyone got Christian (b) urke, Kayla (S)harrett?" | renderPostMessage 2571}}} |
{{{"Any wins of?\n\n[email protected] [email protected]@y\n$ydney Greer\n$tephanie [email protected]" | renderPostMessage 2576}}} |
{{{"Any wins out there of Rachel [email protected] or [email protected] Hale??" | renderPostMessage 2578}}} |
{{{"Kelli new ass posted, but that's about it in a week..." | renderPostMessage 2658}}} |
{{{"any more casey g🙏" | renderPostMessage 2661}}} |
{{{"Any body have anything a girl from Kingsport she goes by Briana Lynn on Facebook." | renderPostMessage 2664}}} |
Open file(146.75 KB, 1080x883, Screenshot_20211118-095623_Cloud.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 2665}}} |
{{{"What are we offering" | renderPostMessage 2666}}} |
{{{">>2665\nBrandi L?" | renderPostMessage 2670}}} |
{{{"Any wins of this little baddie? I know she had a OF but then deleted it. I’d love to see more!! Her Instagram is jeepinitreal98." | renderPostMessage 2674}}} |
{{{"Any more SEHS class of 09 out there?" | renderPostMessage 2743}}} |
{{{"Post some of the graduates from 2013-2018" | renderPostMessage 2773}}} |
{{{"Sydney Glasscock?" | renderPostMessage 2847}}} |
{{{"She posted on her onlyfans yesterday if someone can leak what it is!!" | renderPostMessage 2954}}} |
{{{">>2954\nWhats her username" | renderPostMessage 2956}}} |
{{{"Thegirlnextdoor1996" | renderPostMessage 2960}}} |
{{{"Who has [email protected]@ or @mber M0rt0n?" | renderPostMessage 2969}}} |
{{{"Nothing special here" | renderPostMessage 2981}}} |
{{{"Who got Jade Riley" | renderPostMessage 3058}}} |
{{{"Any have any. Graduated in 2017-2018" | renderPostMessage 3061}}} |
Open file(208.51 KB, 426x906, Screenshot_20210912-221024_AZ Screen Recorder.jpg) {{{"Any savannah wa$r$ds" | renderPostMessage 3113}}} |
Open file(53.93 KB, 469x790, 20210127_233446.jpg) {{{"Any meg$n Smi%h wins ??" | renderPostMessage 3114}}} |
{{{"Yes please someone post savannah wards" | renderPostMessage 3120}}} |
{{{"I also am searching for [email protected] Sm!th wins if anyone has any!!!!" | renderPostMessage 3122}}} |
Open file(803.77 KB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_20211211-201953_Gallery.jpg) {{{"Any Shandy pandas or m$g sm/th" | renderPostMessage 3126}}} |
{{{"@llyson $uzann3 m00re?" | renderPostMessage 3213}}} |
Open file(207.54 KB, 1125x1329, 33819EF7-1EFA-4572-BB4D-BCC1058324AB.jpeg) {{{"Any wins of [email protected]@ went to CDHS in 2014" | renderPostMessage 3245}}} |
Open file(498.51 KB, 621x714, Screenshot_20211215-232217~2.png) {{{"Any B Tucker wins" | renderPostMessage 3277}}} |
{{{"Any Cassie brady" | renderPostMessage 3343}}} |
{{{"Bumping for anything of [email protected] Smith or @rahna Røgers" | renderPostMessage 3410}}} |
{{{"Anything new from Kelli?" | renderPostMessage 3548}}} |
{{{"Any disspam for the jc area?" | renderPostMessage 3575}}} |
Open file(476.02 KB, 1080x2000, Screenshot_20211228-153634_Facebook.jpg) {{{"Any thing good of bec out there" | renderPostMessage 3581}}} |
{{{"Anyone have wins of @bby [email protected]/@bigail [email protected]? She used to get around, a lot." | renderPostMessage 3608}}} |
Open file(64.61 KB, 828x828, 68AC0826-848A-4216-907C-0CE4971833AA.jpeg) {{{"Her name is Katie s been looking for her nudes/name on a website for awhile" | renderPostMessage 3619}}} |
Open file(64.61 KB, 828x828, 691EA1F7-FD55-4403-9272-AB00B27194A3.jpeg) {{{"Her name is Katie s and been trying to find nudes for awhile" | renderPostMessage 3620}}} |
{{{"How the hell do you open the whole thread…?" | renderPostMessage 3621}}} |
{{{"Just hit reply at the top to open entire thread" | renderPostMessage 3623}}} |
{{{"Whitney spivey??" | renderPostMessage 3636}}} |
{{{"Tierra Johnson\n\n\n\nBrianna Stokes" | renderPostMessage 3698}}} |
{{{"Any Sydney (O)’Donnell? She’s a nurse with a big fat ass" | renderPostMessage 3699}}} |
{{{"Anyone have H3llokil0?" | renderPostMessage 3707}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 3713}}} |
{{{"Kimberly [email protected] from Elizabethton" | renderPostMessage 3740}}} |
Open file(1.42 MB, 1280x960, 28EB1257-C8C1-4E2D-8B67-57BEBFA1C649.png) {{{">>3740\n>>3740" | renderPostMessage 3741}}} |
{{{">>3767\nDamn…we need more of her!" | renderPostMessage 3807}}} |
Open file(478.93 KB, 1284x2189, EE176125-AEF5-4541-ADA5-18B34A276EC2.jpeg) {{{"This is kelli’s friend Aspen from her Halloween OF post, does anyone have her?" | renderPostMessage 3810}}} |
{{{"Any new pictures of Kelli? Thnx" | renderPostMessage 3827}}} |
Open file(327.04 KB, 1169x2217, E017416F-E2DD-4E49-B527-D17063AD0476.jpeg) {{{"Super Hoe with super huge tits on a tiny little body someone has to have them" | renderPostMessage 3828}}} |
{{{"Seeing a lack of jc girls" | renderPostMessage 4080}}} |
{{{"Aho has jubilee (g)age??" | renderPostMessage 4081}}} |
Open file(450.19 KB, 750x1624, CE3D54B4-AC47-44BF-A53F-EEB3F7F61C9E.png) {{{"I got that new Kelli r for y’all, you’re welcome ☺️" | renderPostMessage 4117}}} |
{{{">>4117\nwow, get ready, she’s so down to fuck you and way to dox her personal account, dumbass lol" | renderPostMessage 4118}}} |
{{{"Hi , this is actually kelli you weird fucks, I can’t believe y’all are really that pathetic to do this? Like damn.. and y’all are pussies too.. lol have to hide behind a screen posting naked girls.. smh . I hope y’all get herps and die honestly .it’s sad how all of you are haha and it’s sad you can’t get nothing so you jack off to girls pics on here and - them with fucks who could never get anyone on here I’m sure.. have fun jacking ya little dicks to our pics.. lom I hope I never find out who you are because I’ll blast the shit out of you . I hope any girl you guys are ever with robs your of all your money and gives you AIDS. Pussies." | renderPostMessage 4120}}} |
{{{"Y’all are really sick fucks.. and losers at that.. this is actually kelli and all of you are such low people.. pray to god I never find out who you are.. lol.. some pussy behind a screen posting girls nudes smh.. this is why y’all don’t get pussy and have to pay for girls pics babahahahahahaha such a sad thing for these little boys. I hope you get robbed of all your money ans catch AIDS and die. Xoxoxox" | renderPostMessage 4121}}} |
{{{">>4121\nIf its really use post a pic with your tits out and ill get thread removed" | renderPostMessage 4123}}} |
{{{"Your really pathetic……" | renderPostMessage 4124}}} |
{{{">>4124\nSo you’re talking shit on guys for beating their dick to pics of naked girls while you literally supply them with the pictures. You make an OF. You’re bad af. Shits gonna get out cause that’s shit guys wanna see. Shit that you yourself provided. Welcome to the internet. Enjoy your stay." | renderPostMessage 4128}}} |
{{{"Actually just because she posted them on her PAID onlyfans page doesn’t mean she consenting to you all screenshotting and sharing them. It’s actually against onlyfans TOS that you agreed to when you signed up for her page. There’s no excuse for y’all being human garbage like this so stfu" | renderPostMessage 4130}}} |
{{{"agreeing with the anon above, Kelli, and any of her friends, shut the fuck up please. If you truly think that just because OF or any other site makes it against their terms of service to screenshot or save content that its just magically safe from that then you really are a disgrace to our species in our current age of technology. When things are uploaded to the internet, or even shared in private message, theryre basically there forever. ever heard of the fappening? That was nudes leaked from private icloud accounts. Youre uploading shit for anyone with a few bucks on a debit card to see. If you didnt want it out there, dont post it." | renderPostMessage 4132}}} |
{{{"It’s fine, I’ll just keep warning every single girl." | renderPostMessage 4140}}} |
{{{"I'm pretty positive megan stintson is the snitch she watches this shit hard" | renderPostMessage 4141}}} |
{{{"Her cute RN ass needs to be posted" | renderPostMessage 4142}}} |
Open file(564.62 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210906-214519_Gallery.jpg) {{{"Aight fuck her to then here's. Meagn" | renderPostMessage 4144}}} |
{{{"Holy fuck this thread is juicy as hell lol" | renderPostMessage 4145}}} |
{{{"Lmao kelli increased her of to 50 😂. Rode hard and put up wet" | renderPostMessage 4162}}} |
{{{"To the guy that told Kelli, what was your ultimate goal? What did you aspire to achieve? You are just like the rest of us on this site looking for naked hoes. Did u expect u get a shot in actually dating her or something. Dude she's a hoe just like all these hoes on here... You are a fckin faggot. FCK u and ur mother. Little bitch. Lol idiot..." | renderPostMessage 4164}}} |
{{{"Actually I’m glad someone told me you fucking weirdos. Lol 😆 and actually I’m not a hoe.. I used to be hahaha be nah not in like 4 years so nice try.. I would never fuck any of you nasty fucks. It’s sad you guys have to get on a website like this .. it’s weird too.." | renderPostMessage 4167}}} |
{{{">>4167\nSo I guess it's not creepy to take nudes and sell them to strangers? It's sad that the only way you pay your bills is by being a solid 4 on a porn site. Also, odds are, you've fucked worse than anyone in this board." | renderPostMessage 4168}}} |
{{{"No that’s not weird. I don’t do it to pay my bills.. lmao getting on a site like this, - naked girls… that’s weird.. also why would people buy things just to let everyone else see them.. weird honestly. And maybe that’s true maybe not lmao… I’m not like I used to be witch was 4 or more years ago. It’s crazy I’m explaining myself to some weirdo that won’t even say who he is… lmao.. I’m sure your life sucks. So have fun looking at the girls who you could probably never fuck… enjoy my nudes 😉" | renderPostMessage 4169}}} |
{{{"Like any normal dude that is attractive or an actual man isn’t on this fucking website begging for guys to post naked photos of girls …" | renderPostMessage 4170}}} |
{{{">>4170\nIt’s not creepy to sell photos to strangers but it’s creepy for those strangers to share those photos and it’s creepy for us to come here and see them? You’re not the only bitch on here guys are coming to see lmao you’re fine but you ain’t that damn fine. Oh and fun fact for you I’m seeing several girls on here I have fucked myself and I’m sure I’m not the only one here. Unfortunately you’re not one of them. But don’t act like this site is full of a bunch of losers that can’t get laid. I assure it isn’t." | renderPostMessage 4171}}} |
{{{">>4169\nYeah it’s not creepy to take nudes and sell them but it absolutely is creepy for a guy to want to see them? That’s the stupidest shit I ever heard." | renderPostMessage 4172}}} |
{{{">>4169\nMy kings, this is your average female. This is why we’re here 😂" | renderPostMessage 4173}}} |
{{{"It's really a shame. She was probably less of a bitch when she was dtf." | renderPostMessage 4176}}} |
{{{"She keeps on ima post her pussy lol yeah iv got that" | renderPostMessage 4196}}} |
Open file(794.50 KB, 500x713, kys.png) {{{">>4173\n\nJesus y'all are embarrassing to our half of the species. The world would be better off without idiots like you taking up space." | renderPostMessage 4204}}} |
Open file(77.55 KB, 750x1334, 1501746433776.jpg) {{{"Anyone got anymore of Katlin?" | renderPostMessage 4208}}} |
{{{">>4204\nAhh yes you got me. You know me so well. Damn those mean words really hurt me. Please apologize." | renderPostMessage 4210}}} |