Version 0.2.5
{{{"Looking for anything more of this girl. Heard that several of her friends were also caught on camera" | renderPostMessage 2108}}}
{{{"Whoa.. I've seen the black girl but this Trinity girl is new to me" | renderPostMessage 2109}}} |
{{{"Damn, I have not seen the video in the last three screenshots." | renderPostMessage 2110}}} |
Open file(412.45 KB, 1762x1088, Samantha.jpg) {{{">>2108\nTonight I could upload her folder, is the regular collection, but there is one last set with videos referring to the last 3 pics and others but they are hoarded or maybe I just didn't get them at the time, if someone had them, it would be amazing and we would complete the set. -YH" | renderPostMessage 2113}}} |
{{{"Some pics of the \"missing?\" set -YH" | renderPostMessage 2114}}} |
{{{"Pls share mate" | renderPostMessage 2115}}} |
{{{">>2113\nI have never seen the vid too those last three pics. I have seen others captured there, but not that Sam one." | renderPostMessage 2116}}} |
{{{">>2116\nthe blonde and her friend? -YH" | renderPostMessage 2117}}} |
{{{">>2117\nThose pics from that un-seen shower vid of Sam must be really tightly hoarded. I’ve got the darker skinned girl with the bush in original quality but not the blonde. The blonde is too skin and bones and for me" | renderPostMessage 2118}}} |
{{{">>2118\npartner, a little doubt, maybe you have this set called -Cutes Sisters Blondes in Hotel's Bathroom-? I have long since lost it, in gratitude I can help with another set you are looking for -YH" | renderPostMessage 2119}}} |
{{{">2114 \nDo you have the vid for those pics never seen it ? \n>>2118 would love to see the vids of the dark skin girl" | renderPostMessage 2120}}} |
{{{"Does anyone know the full story of what happened with her? I heard some people say it was her dad others said it was her brother" | renderPostMessage 2121}}} |
{{{">>2119\nI’ve got the original vids without the SpyIRL overlay, I can post that up tomorrow with an A F link" | renderPostMessage 2128}}} |
{{{">>2120\nShe’s tough to share, let’s say it’s well known when her bday was when it was respamed" | renderPostMessage 2129}}} |
{{{"sorry for delay, Samantha B. Regular Collection:\nhtt ps: //an onfil es.co m/H0G 1nfHaxd/\nPW:11-1-1----1-1 -YH" | renderPostMessage 2133}}} |
{{{">>2128\nThanks mate! it would be fantastic if you could share it -YH" | renderPostMessage 2134}}} |
{{{">>2129. Not surprised. She seemed to be living on 16th avenue when these vids were taken. Didn't know she was so well known though" | renderPostMessage 2135}}} |
{{{"password don't works" | renderPostMessage 2139}}} |
{{{"It does" | renderPostMessage 2140}}} |
{{{"PW works." | renderPostMessage 2141}}} |
{{{">>2113\n>>2114\ntheres a lot that was never posted publicly" | renderPostMessage 2142}}} |
{{{">>2142\nOh wow, is there a video that goes with those or just screen caps?" | renderPostMessage 2143}}} |
{{{">>2142\noh my god. Her stuff is seriously my favorite voy of all. Thanks for new screenshots. I really hope we get to see more of her vids one day." | renderPostMessage 2148}}} |
{{{"Just a pity this girl lost weight and her nice boobs shrunk" | renderPostMessage 2150}}} |
{{{">>2133\nseems to be down or I'm missing some clue..." | renderPostMessage 2151}}} |
{{{">>2133\nany chance of a reup please?" | renderPostMessage 2156}}} |
Open file(58.30 KB, 575x1024, imgsrc.ru_61727502cPs.jpg) {{{"I have only the Sam/Trinity one, but apparently there are more. The shower curtain is quite distinct, but pics are hard to find." | renderPostMessage 2168}}} |
{{{">>2168\nyou have the vid of sam with this curtain? I have seen the two other girls vids, but not her." | renderPostMessage 2169}}} |
{{{"any news on this babe?" | renderPostMessage 2228}}} |
{{{">>2169\nWhat other two? Where to find?" | renderPostMessage 2254}}} |
{{{">>2254\n\nHere's the blonde.\n\n/a/5ehGhwPw" | renderPostMessage 2258}}} |
{{{">>2254" | renderPostMessage 2259}}} |
{{{"all i have, but dont have brown shower curtain. would be cool if someone could share\n\n/a/jsxICC0Q" | renderPostMessage 2262}}} |
{{{">>2259\n\nCyb3r of the brunette\n\n/a/zjkzdI6n" | renderPostMessage 2265}}} |
{{{"af / HcK5LbI1xc\n\nSamantha, brown shower curtain, non nude though" | renderPostMessage 2267}}} |
{{{">>2267\nI remember that this video was first shared back in 2020 thanks to the estimated and much missed -Captain-, from there I have not seen any more videos of her with the brown curtain, only pics, Unfortunately those must be well hoarded -YH" | renderPostMessage 2268}}} |
{{{">>2267\n\nThat's in the Virus link above, which is also higher resolution. Wish had nude vid tho" | renderPostMessage 2269}}} |
{{{"some have had the collection since it was made first being made in 2013" | renderPostMessage 2270}}} |
{{{">>2270\nyes, but the brown curtains are later, and those are the ones that are difficult to get -YH" | renderPostMessage 2271}}} |
{{{"it is ironic that Samantha's brown curtain ones are more complicated to obtain than those of those girls" | renderPostMessage 2272}}} |
{{{">>2119\n>>2128\non the other hand, does anyone have this collection? I've been looking for a while with no luck, but i know it was shared a while ago, in gratitude I can share something you are looking for, as long as i have it -YH" | renderPostMessage 2273}}} |
{{{"I have the set, if anyone will teach me how to share it, I will" | renderPostMessage 2289}}} |
{{{">>2265\n>/a/5ehGhwPw\nIs the file brown video #1 corrupted because it freezes at 55 seconds in but the video is 3:39 long? Thanks for sharing!" | renderPostMessage 2290}}} |
{{{">>2289\nJust upload the file to an0nf1les com, use 7zip to split your rar/7z file into several parts if the files are to big to upload in one peace." | renderPostMessage 2321}}} |
{{{">>2290\n\nUnfortunately the few times this has been shared it always freezes there" | renderPostMessage 2335}}} |
{{{"Yes it freezes but be patient and let it buff for abit. I kept playing with it and it ended up playing noobs" | renderPostMessage 2338}}} |
{{{"would appreciate if someone could reupload these" | renderPostMessage 2397}}} |
{{{">>2397\n\nThey are all still up" | renderPostMessage 2411}}} |
{{{"They are still up? On AF?" | renderPostMessage 2414}}} |
{{{">>2335\nthe most posted one freezes but there is a playable one. good luck finding anyone whos willing to share it thho" | renderPostMessage 2418}}} |
{{{">>2411\nWhich site though? /a/ doesnt ring a bell for me?" | renderPostMessage 2423}}} |
{{{"I've tried every link on A/F but none seem to work, anyone got fresh details? Especially of this girl https://anusib.com/v/res/2108.html#2265" | renderPostMessage 2448}}} |
{{{"Y'all literally retarded, the site hint is in the subject header of >>2253" | renderPostMessage 2454}}} |
{{{">>2463\nI wish this made sense lol" | renderPostMessage 2464}}} |
{{{"Thx, it's the same video as 2267 though" | renderPostMessage 2465}}} |
{{{"/a/ HcK5LbI1xc is still up. \nRest is down Please reup \n\nThanx" | renderPostMessage 2468}}} |
{{{"It’s not still up." | renderPostMessage 2469}}} |
{{{"which one is Trin?" | renderPostMessage 2476}}} |
{{{">>2468\n\nI've tried all the links in this thread, none work.... Anyone wanna help out with a re up?" | renderPostMessage 2641}}} |