Version 0.2.5
{{{"Continue the Jen-ya posts?" | renderPostMessage 286}}}
Open file(298.46 KB, 2868x1612, 1566582529724.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 287}}} |
{{{">>287\nwhoever has these videos or other j vids. Find me on gmai|, will arrange an exchange for some of my content for more jenya vids. voyerman001 (alias) gmai|.c0m" | renderPostMessage 291}}} |
{{{"there is one vid floating around that is pretty good and just about everyone has, not may can post screen shots from the other ones\n\nIf they can't they are lying about having the vids" | renderPostMessage 297}}} |
{{{">>297\n\nAgreed, that’s why I left a comment here to arrange a private conversation. You have stuff?>>297" | renderPostMessage 298}}} |
{{{"Bumperino" | renderPostMessage 315}}} |
{{{"bump for jenya pls" | renderPostMessage 341}}} |
{{{"anyone?" | renderPostMessage 373}}} |
{{{"Anything anyone plz?" | renderPostMessage 498}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 500}}} |
{{{"bumperino" | renderPostMessage 700}}} |
Open file(197.29 KB, 892x1999, 1612246518806 - Copy.jpg) {{{"b-b-b-bump" | renderPostMessage 941}}} |
Open file(81.79 KB, 562x1024, imgsrc.ru_63078139LzB.jpg) {{{"matches" | renderPostMessage 948}}} |
Open file(186.11 KB, 1280x2332, 1579491423958.jpg) {{{"thats new to me" | renderPostMessage 954}}} |
Open file(284.55 KB, 1920x1080, 1620513064861-0.jpg) {{{"ditto" | renderPostMessage 962}}} |
Open file(48.24 KB, 562x1024, 1600436484082.jpg) {{{"wonder what else is out there..." | renderPostMessage 970}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 973}}} |
{{{">>973\nthat first one wowwww...more??" | renderPostMessage 981}}} |
{{{"she is holy grail material. bless us with more content!" | renderPostMessage 1060}}} |
{{{">>973\nIf someone’s willing to post the vid from the first pic, I’ll share the BeachDay6 video from the more yellow looking bathroom" | renderPostMessage 1064}}} |
{{{"give a example of beachday6 you speak of?" | renderPostMessage 1065}}} |
{{{">>1065\nThe pics that look like a yellow tinted bathroom, that’s called BeachDay6. Only one I ever got, it’s over a gig" | renderPostMessage 1068}}} |
{{{"I have a zip of it that’s needs password. I’ll share it if y’all help me list all potential passwords" | renderPostMessage 1074}}} |
{{{"knew that bathroom looked familiar ._. any wins?" | renderPostMessage 1080}}} |
{{{"Post the zip I have a potential pass" | renderPostMessage 1081}}} |
{{{"There is at least one other girl in this series. She changes out of her bathing suit into clothes. Didn't save the video because she was... uh.. young, and that's not my thing. Something to look for if you're a collector. It's definitely the same bathroom. Saw it many years ago on the old anonib, its was named _1.mp4 or something like that." | renderPostMessage 1082}}} |
{{{"I'm surprised no one talks about Jenya's \"cousin\". \n\nEveryone has beach day 6 so I wouldn't recommend giving anything for it. People will hoard this for a while then the dam will break. As usual" | renderPostMessage 1084}}} |
{{{">>1084\ndidn't even realize there was a 'cousin'" | renderPostMessage 1087}}} |
{{{">>1084\n“Everyone has beach day 6” while commenting in a thread full of people asking for it lol yes encouraging people not to share is brilliant. Another person not providing content while watching everyone ask for a video. You sir are a massive douche" | renderPostMessage 1091}}} |
{{{"pls post video, please please" | renderPostMessage 1093}}} |
{{{"Can someone post a screenshot of beach day 6? Just wanna know if it’s the one I’m thinking of" | renderPostMessage 1094}}} |
{{{">>1094\nhaha good try officer.\n\nIf you have seen it, you would never forget it. Especially the post shower view of her from the side. ;)" | renderPostMessage 1095}}} |
Open file(269.29 KB, 2000x901, jenyajpg_4199564_30589781.jpg) ![]() {{{"If someone posts beach or something else good, I'll post this vid" | renderPostMessage 1097}}} |
{{{"what's the story behind this one?" | renderPostMessage 1098}}} |
{{{">>1098\nWhy do lot always need a damn story? Someone close to her decided to respam her and that's basically it. Can you not beat your meat without knowing everything there is to know about her?" | renderPostMessage 1101}}} |
{{{"huh... 2mo ago on mless 186B4B6" | renderPostMessage 1141}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 1244}}} |
{{{"Hey heroes plz post the jenya videos, I have a pic of the sister i believe, but it is - so I'm not going risk posting it here" | renderPostMessage 1315}}} |
{{{"Literally spent the day(I have goals) searching forum after forum and thread after thread. I don't think it exists." | renderPostMessage 1342}}} |
{{{">>1342\nDon't think what exists?" | renderPostMessage 1347}}} |
{{{">>1347\nFull vids" | renderPostMessage 1353}}} |
{{{"Only content I have close to a video\n\na f /7cId88yewa/1522297066697_webm" | renderPostMessage 1355}}} |
{{{">>1355\nThanks! That's something. Hopefully someone finds the grail" | renderPostMessage 1356}}} |
{{{">>1356\n\nThanks this is a great start, hoping more people become generous and share this holiday season" | renderPostMessage 1358}}} |
{{{"Thanks!! we need moreee" | renderPostMessage 1359}}} |
Open file(1.78 MB, 1579493680365.webm) ![]() {{{"" | renderPostMessage 1360}}} |
{{{"You are god thanks!! do you have the full vid tho?" | renderPostMessage 1361}}} |
{{{"How is that shit so hard to find..." | renderPostMessage 1368}}} |
{{{"i think it's funny that people keep finding random clips from this series and theyre always edited to miss the best parts. Someone is doing it for fun lol" | renderPostMessage 1370}}} |
{{{"please hoarders please post the videos. please" | renderPostMessage 1381}}} |
Open file(295.35 KB, 1920x1080, fdfs.jpg) {{{"If someone shares the full video from the where she's wearing the white sweatshirt. I'll post the full video from the pic with the black sweatshirt on the counter. It's a pretty big file." | renderPostMessage 1385}}} |
{{{"mhmm, of course you will. We all believe you have it. Of course we do. lol \nOr you could just, you know, post it and hope someone grateful reciprocates." | renderPostMessage 1386}}} |
{{{"why some guys are such big arseholes always wanting something. if i had the video I would have uploaded by now.\n\nplease upload someone and be a hero. please" | renderPostMessage 1387}}} |
{{{"Why? Because the video with the white sweat shirt is harder to come by and they posted only part of it. Someone has something rare you want and I have something rare they might want. That way everyone wins but its not something I'll just hand over without attempting to get some other hoarded vids. That's why." | renderPostMessage 1388}}} |
{{{"brotha with this logic no one will ever get anything. you start by posting the video, maybe set a auto delete timer of 1 hour or something. U first start and someone will follow soon" | renderPostMessage 1389}}} |
{{{"That makes no sense. If it was auto deleted the person who posted the vid I want might not catch it in time. I know how to go about this. Be patient." | renderPostMessage 1390}}} |
{{{"I will upload the black sweater on counter top video(1GB), if someone can upload the full video of her in the black flower bikini bottoms. I can show proof I have it if you'd like.\n\nYours Truly - The Dude" | renderPostMessage 1402}}} |
{{{"yes, sure you will, fuckwit" | renderPostMessage 1406}}} |
Open file(118.33 KB, 1808x758, Doubt me now.jpg) {{{">>1406\nSure I fuckwitcha, but only if you fuckwit me :)" | renderPostMessage 1409}}} |
{{{">>1409\nAre you literally getting reverse psychology'd by these coomers? no on gonna post shit." | renderPostMessage 1410}}} |
{{{">>1410\nJust teasing a little. But mainly showing that I have it & I'm willing to post the full video if whoever posted the snippet of her in the white sweatshirt post the rest." | renderPostMessage 1411}}} |
Open file(174.15 KB, 1920x1088, e4dfc0c061cd385099e6a348b8a4e8c25705507444f76854e2757c3e3b622fb3.jpg) Open file(256.77 KB, 2868x1606, 8b6cb1d3b7c2ba61e979540d206b67c3baa2b72ca49a10d9940e3bb0ca9ccf60.jpg) {{{"Or if someone post some other videos such as these." | renderPostMessage 1412}}} |
{{{">>1411\n\n\nmy friend, the short videos that were posted above were posted on ch8tp!c website few weeks ago. The guy just reposted the edited video. He too don't have full video. Only you have full video so please be a hero and post for everyone. Else all of us will keep on waiting forever. Thanks" | renderPostMessage 1414}}} |
{{{"a white man would give everyone a xmas present" | renderPostMessage 1415}}} |
{{{"Here's a fun fact. OP used to share lots of pics *YEARS* ago on old anonib. If he isn't in prison he still lurks these boards, my assumption praying no one shares his works.\n\nNo one is going to willingly give these away because they're 'grail' and super 'rare'. the day 6 has been posted on clear and dark, but nothing else (at full capacity) is making the rounds. You can't get what isn't being shared. Keep searching" | renderPostMessage 1419}}} |
{{{"A late christmas present from Germany, have fun :)\n\na f / p4r1tcdax8/JENYA_Day_6_Shower_after_beach_mov" | renderPostMessage 1434}}} |
{{{">>1434\nThanks Anon!!" | renderPostMessage 1436}}} |
{{{"00.0% chance no one delivers on another clip.\n\nthanks for posting the day6_shower vid, still hot" | renderPostMessage 1438}}} |
{{{">>1434\nre-up" | renderPostMessage 1439}}} |
{{{">>1434\nthanks" | renderPostMessage 1443}}} |
{{{">>1439\n\nAre you retarded?" | renderPostMessage 1448}}} |
{{{">>1459\nWhere's the better quality videos of her when she's older? For example the the snapshots of her in the jean shorts, black tights, and pink shorts or sweat pants." | renderPostMessage 1461}}} |
{{{">>1459\nalready down? or fake?" | renderPostMessage 1463}}} |
{{{">>1459\nI know the site, but the link isn't working bud" | renderPostMessage 1464}}} |
{{{"Does this link even work? m3g4 isn't working for it." | renderPostMessage 1466}}} |
{{{">>1463\n\nDown, M3ga sucks balls" | renderPostMessage 1469}}} |
{{{"IT was a working MEGA link...\n\nBut honestly, it was the type of content that wasn't going to work for long." | renderPostMessage 1478}}} |
{{{"Yes, the MEGA link was legit. It went down when I was exactly at 50% download... kinda pissed me off but, oh well, shit happens." | renderPostMessage 1482}}} |
{{{">>1482\nwhat was the content? all jen ya videos?" | renderPostMessage 1483}}} |
{{{"sucks cuz M3ga barely lasts an hour with reports-anwhile that an0n Day 6 link is still up after like a week" | renderPostMessage 1488}}} |
{{{">>1483\nThere were about 700 MB of vids and pics. I hadn't the time to check 'em, just tried to download the ZIP but the folder was deleted halfway. Damn." | renderPostMessage 1489}}} |
{{{"please reupload mega on AF pls" | renderPostMessage 1490}}} |
{{{">>1483\nthe same folder shared before, with nothing new so not a big deal" | renderPostMessage 1491}}} |
{{{"i dont have the previous folder as well. can u please share. thanks" | renderPostMessage 1493}}} |
{{{"Please sir can I have some moar?" | renderPostMessage 1502}}} |
{{{"BUMP" | renderPostMessage 1508}}} |
{{{"pretty sure he used a cam like this can't seem to find any on the market anymore could be a reason... AC Adapter spam Hidden Camera - BrickHouse Security" | renderPostMessage 1534}}} |
{{{"please post the mega folder that was shared. please" | renderPostMessage 1546}}} |
{{{"please post video" | renderPostMessage 1628}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 1647}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 1648}}} |
{{{"please dont do this hoarding thing brothers. if u have video then please share. be a hero" | renderPostMessage 1832}}} |
Open file(269.29 KB, 2000x901, 343ec23d097af31d26900bc3d4d3ed4f0a44ffbba1bd74175780a74d793c2dd9.jpg) {{{"Bump this video" | renderPostMessage 1836}}} |
{{{">>1839 thanks brother u r a hero. i really wanna see her bathroom videos" | renderPostMessage 1840}}} |
{{{">>1839\nWow! That one is new to me!! Amazing!\nHave more please?" | renderPostMessage 1853}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 1887}}} |
{{{"please upload more videos. please" | renderPostMessage 1897}}} |
{{{">>1839\nsite?" | renderPostMessage 1902}}} |
{{{">>1887\n>>1839\nI think its down. Can someone please reup" | renderPostMessage 1906}}} |
{{{"Mods suck cucks!\n\nThere was just a new link and now it's gone" | renderPostMessage 1933}}} |
{{{">>1933\nanyone have the new link? dear mods why deleting links?" | renderPostMessage 1948}}} |
{{{"Please re-up the video that got deleted! I've been looking for these forever. Luckily the beachday6 vid was still up, but the jenya.FIXED one got nuked. Thanks!" | renderPostMessage 1991}}} |
{{{">>1991\nDo you have another vid besides beach day? I’ll repost the deleted if you post another vid." | renderPostMessage 2000}}} |
{{{"for each Jenya vid that gets posted, I will post a 10Gb folder with other voyeur stuff. I have 100+Gb." | renderPostMessage 2099}}} |
{{{"Buuuuuump" | renderPostMessage 2126}}} |
{{{"Bumpppp" | renderPostMessage 2147}}} |
{{{"As promised: AF /5a55C6I3x2 / JENYA_Day_6_ Shower_after_beach . mov-h264_ 720p_ mp4" | renderPostMessage 2244}}} |
{{{"What goes after the af?" | renderPostMessage 2249}}} |
{{{"dumbass..." | renderPostMessage 2251}}} |
{{{"lol. i love the amount of inept idiots that come onto this website. probably using their mobile too." | renderPostMessage 2292}}} |
{{{"total is 700mb right? all video and picture? at least that's all i have, idk if there's more" | renderPostMessage 2351}}} |
{{{">>2351\nPost the 700mb" | renderPostMessage 2352}}} |
{{{">>2351\n\nyes total 700 mb\n\nplease post 700 mb link thanks." | renderPostMessage 2353}}} |
{{{">>2351\nbe a hero brother. post it. damn. me excited as hell. can't wait" | renderPostMessage 2354}}} |
{{{">>2355\n\npls post videos. thanks" | renderPostMessage 2356}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 2357}}} |
{{{">>2357\n\nthanks but these are short videos that everyone has seen. please post the real videos with original duration. thanks" | renderPostMessage 2358}}} |
{{{"Don't get your hopes up, there has been nothing new posted after \n theDay_6_ Shower_after_beach . mov came out last year" | renderPostMessage 2359}}} |
{{{"Don't get your hopes up, there has been nothing new posted after \n theDay_6_ Shower_after_beach . mov came out last year" | renderPostMessage 2360}}} |
Open file(47.46 MB, jenya.FIXED.mp4) ![]() {{{"" | renderPostMessage 2361}}} |
{{{">>2361\nthanks u r a hero brother. please post her bathroom videos if u have. hell yeah. u r a hero" | renderPostMessage 2362}}} |
{{{"well that was exciting for a minute. Hopefully this dude that says he has 700mb uploads" | renderPostMessage 2368}}} |
{{{">>2361\nAs hot as it was watching her body develop over 6 years can we stop posting the younger stuff already" | renderPostMessage 2370}}} |
{{{">>2370\nyes we need to see her grown up videos" | renderPostMessage 2372}}} |
{{{"It's pretty certain that neither the guy from the bad parents thread and the 700mb guy have anything more than Day 6. Just a tease to keep thread going" | renderPostMessage 2379}}} |
{{{">>2370\nnah fuck off dude that's the best part. Post more of the younger stuff" | renderPostMessage 2380}}} |
{{{"go away scammer with paywall link promote" | renderPostMessage 2383}}} |
{{{">>2383\nAre you gonna post? What would you want for it?" | renderPostMessage 2384}}} |
{{{">>2384\ni can post but i need to upload to af or other cloud services, \n\nand it's not like you guys have anything that i want, so i just sharing" | renderPostMessage 2386}}} |
{{{">>2386\ni think most of the guy here wants the videos in which you have written WANTED on screencaps" | renderPostMessage 2387}}} |
{{{">>2387\nit's images" | renderPostMessage 2389}}} |
{{{">>2386\nName your price...Don't under estimate what people have available to offer." | renderPostMessage 2393}}} |
{{{">>2393\ni can share it when im not busy, but if you have mom son incest from ip cam would be nice, i only got a few" | renderPostMessage 2408}}} |
Open file(25.92 KB, 540x360, skeleton.jpeg) {{{"Don't worry, anon will deliver" | renderPostMessage 2410}}} |
{{{"Can we get upload before WWIII starts? I don’t want to die without seeing" | renderPostMessage 2430}}} |
{{{"Is Jen-ya from russia of ukrain?" | renderPostMessage 2435}}} |
{{{"As expected, anon provided a dick tease and nothing more" | renderPostMessage 2475}}} |
{{{"Here's day 6 again //anon files .com // 5a55C6I3x2/\n\nLooking for more on Jen ya myself and I've got heaps of these kind of vids i can - through T gram" | renderPostMessage 2486}}} |
{{{">>2486\nThank you! \n\nDoes anyone else have the rest?" | renderPostMessage 2494}}} |
{{{">>2486\n\nNever seen this one. Cheers. a" | renderPostMessage 2499}}} |
{{{"What happened to the dude that was going to post when he wasn't busy?" | renderPostMessage 2530}}} |
{{{">>2530\n\nHe's busy." | renderPostMessage 2539}}} |
{{{"Bumppppp" | renderPostMessage 2640}}} |
{{{"I wonder when the dude isn't going to be busy? I'm sure he found that pic somewhere and doesn't have crap" | renderPostMessage 2752}}} |
{{{">>2486\nSorry brother but all the links are down b4 I can get to them, pls help and re-up.you are awesome!" | renderPostMessage 3052}}} |
{{{"/G3B08824/F87326C\n\nA place with no mothers" | renderPostMessage 3144}}} |
{{{"anyplace where you can find more" | renderPostMessage 3193}}} |
{{{">>3144\n\nYea, sadly this is the only one on the site as far as I could find" | renderPostMessage 3464}}} |
{{{"whos actually got something..." | renderPostMessage 3497}}} |
{{{">>1074\nNeed .zip and can help you" | renderPostMessage 3507}}} |
{{{"Re-up of day six please" | renderPostMessage 3516}}} |
{{{">>3516\nYes, day six again please" | renderPostMessage 3671}}} |
{{{"Seems like the guy is still busy" | renderPostMessage 3719}}} |
{{{"d/Fha4I9 from >>3005 stil works XD" | renderPostMessage 3794}}} |
Open file(206.74 KB, 326x329, xxx.PNG) {{{"ill post her ig if someone post more contents of her" | renderPostMessage 3927}}} |
{{{">>3930\n\n1. You’re about 10 years late.\n\n2. How about we don’t doxx anyone and further fuck up the hobby?" | renderPostMessage 3931}}} |
{{{"yeah plz don't, this place is full of white knight fags that'd just ruin the fun" | renderPostMessage 3944}}} |
{{{">>3944\nYou mean like you? Yeah how about you just shut the fuck up, pluck your old white pubes, and let us adults talk here instead of barging into a situation." | renderPostMessage 3948}}} |
{{{"nah but now i would, just to spite you" | renderPostMessage 3952}}} |
{{{"forget the doxx faggotry and post more Jen-ya" | renderPostMessage 3953}}} |
{{{">>3927\n\nThis is Jen-ya girl?" | renderPostMessage 4025}}} |
{{{"PW for eaglespatriot??" | renderPostMessage 4028}}} |
{{{">>4028\n>>3794\nwhat's the PW?" | renderPostMessage 4123}}} |
{{{"more?" | renderPostMessage 4135}}} |
{{{">>4123\n4ANON" | renderPostMessage 4225}}} |