Any Summer? Used to work at Sp... - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2021-11-01T18:30:09.970Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

Open file(306.99 KB, 1122x1134, 80C39722-8DDB-41AB-8134-E2F6F4CE94BE.jpeg)

Open file(140.41 KB, 510x960, 15597608-94F1-4FBC-900A-99FFA3C4F3B2.jpeg)

Open file(532.62 KB, 1125x1413, CA7C6A44-DD1C-406D-A715-0BFD1B5CA26C.jpeg)


No. 66
{{{"Any Summer? Used to work at Spirits" | renderPostMessage 66}}}

No. 67
Open file(738.71 KB, 979x564, Capture+_2021-02-20-20-11-31~3.png)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 67}}}

No. 68
Open file(92.08 KB, 720x960, BB38854C-E856-4D08-A851-A7955BF0D4A9.jpeg)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 68}}}

No. 69
{{{"Ig?" | renderPostMessage 69}}}

No. 82
Open file(38.96 KB, 540x720, 06039869-B824-4AB8-9406-BF9F9B71807B.jpeg)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 82}}}

No. 92
Open file(1005.27 KB, 720x947, Capture+_2021-01-14-23-20-04~2.png)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 92}}}

No. 98
{{{"anyone got her bbc gangbang video?" | renderPostMessage 98}}}

No. 109
Open file(837.64 KB, 720x1196, Capture+_2020-08-16-13-04-33.png)

{{{">>98 never seen any of her premium content. But it's believable it exists. Be nice if someone posted the FORBIDDEN to her dropbox. I've heard that's pretty good" | renderPostMessage 109}}}

No. 113
{{{">>109\nthat's the video. like 4 black guys in that room. it starts with her getting fingered in that pic." | renderPostMessage 113}}}

No. 119
Open file(657.74 KB, 720x1196, Capture+_2021-07-21-04-33-22.png)

{{{">>113 damn, I've only seen that short ass preview. She's such a whore. I remember some dudes asking if she'd do gangbang one night and she got super shitty with them, like she would never and told them all they were disgusting😂" | renderPostMessage 119}}}

No. 120
{{{"Best young whore" | renderPostMessage 120}}}

No. 122
{{{"Damn what's her name? Love a BBC whore, what's her only? I'll buy and post the video" | renderPostMessage 122}}}

No. 126
{{{">>122\nSum-buttcheeks" | renderPostMessage 126}}}

No. 142
Open file(822.51 KB, 720x1196, Capture+_2021-07-21-04-33-10.png)

{{{">>122 Hell yeah! Bro be warned, she's a real cunt if you \"come out your mouth wrong\" to her, even if you don't say anything really wrong, lol" | renderPostMessage 142}}}

No. 150
{{{">>122\nShe wants 300-400 for the video" | renderPostMessage 150}}}

No. 151
Open file(86.14 KB, 715x576, Capture+_2021-07-21-04-09-24~2.png)

{{{">>150 No fackin way! It's probably shot all shitty too and 5 minutes long. What a scammer, meanwhile this was on her Twitter like a week ago" | renderPostMessage 151}}}

No. 152
{{{"aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uLXYuY29tL3ZpZGVvcy8xODA4Nzkvc3VtbWVyLTlhODY1MDdiYzAyMTgyNDQv" | renderPostMessage 152}}}

No. 164
{{{">>151\nI promise you that video isn’t even close to 5 minutes long and there is no longer version. If she says there is trust me there isn’t and never was. Her head is terrible anyways like she does this side to side thing that’s unique for all the wrong reasons like it’s just awful. Save yourself time and just don’t." | renderPostMessage 164}}}

No. 165
Open file(674.97 KB, 1125x788, FAEF307D-1330-47C9-B9EA-2B1BDE448B3C.jpeg)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 165}}}

No. 166
Open file(883.22 KB, 720x1196, Capture+_2021-07-26-02-21-45.png)

{{{">>164 so she sucks and bangs 4 dudes in less than 5 minutes? I'm confused, lol. So it's just garbage is what you're saying. Still though it'd be nice to see but for hundreds of dollars I'd expect like a hours long 500 dude gangbang with appearances from her old teachers and bosses to spice it up, lmao" | renderPostMessage 166}}}

No. 169
Open file(631.44 KB, 720x1196, Capture+_2021-07-21-04-32-13.png)

{{{">>165 Damn! There a vid to go with the screen capture?" | renderPostMessage 169}}}

No. 170
{{{"Where is everyone getting the screen caps ?" | renderPostMessage 170}}}

No. 171
{{{"For such a depressed hoe she sure acts like her pussy and time is golden" | renderPostMessage 171}}}

No. 172
{{{"honestly she should just kill herself. she's just a collection of holes to fuck. she's literally a worthless human being with no future." | renderPostMessage 172}}}

No. 173
{{{">>172\nWhat are \"most women\"?\nAlex: correct for 1000" | renderPostMessage 173}}}

No. 184
Open file(1008.71 KB, 720x947, Capture+_2021-01-14-23-20-04~3.png)

{{{">>170 they're prolly from her onlyscams page. No one has any hard vids to post?" | renderPostMessage 184}}}

No. 185
{{{">>184\nDude look at her why do you even want it lmfao" | renderPostMessage 185}}}

No. 189
{{{">>185 i guess sometimes you just want to watch a worthless titless whore get railed by a bunch of dudes and used as a cum dumpster because she's a local slut you could fuck and blow your load all over but probably won't because she's a nasty bitch. Know what m saying, lmao" | renderPostMessage 189}}}

No. 190
{{{"I wouldn’t mind fucking her but I feel you gotta be just as worthless as her to fuck" | renderPostMessage 190}}}

No. 194
Open file(55.00 KB, 549x960, B26FDF4A-EA19-4032-8A97-EA16F096CB82.jpeg)

{{{"Isn’t she pretty" | renderPostMessage 194}}}

No. 200
{{{">>194 she's pretty when she's bent over, lmao" | renderPostMessage 200}}}

No. 202
{{{"Imagine being 26 and the only thing you have to show for it is 8 years of terrible nudes. Just… just go back to college." | renderPostMessage 202}}}

No. 203
{{{">>202 lmao, I'm always saying the same thing. Who buys this shit? How bout the pics where they crop their heads out, the fuck is that. #jerkintoaheadlesscorpse, bitches are retarded and cucktards buy that shit and actually bust to it. Shits like a 7 year old FORBIDDEN taking pictures" | renderPostMessage 203}}}

No. 215
{{{"Damn no one has the goods? Thought this would have blown up considering how much of a whore she is and yes she has and maybe still does have sex for money" | renderPostMessage 215}}}

No. 229
{{{">>215 We’re saying why would you want the goods? Her longest videos are disgusting or disappointing and if it’s mildly decent then it’s only 13 seconds. That “gangbang” video is some dude thumbing her pussy not even fingering her but THUMBING her. You’ll be alright without it I promise. It’s gross at best." | renderPostMessage 229}}}

No. 250
{{{">>229 man that's lame. So she rips people off, what a cunt. So she's just a wannabe ho with resevations white trash scam artist with jackolantern teeth and a pussy big enough to drive a golf cart into" | renderPostMessage 250}}}

No. 255
Open file(83.45 KB, 340x340, 8634366_crazy-face-png-ugly-girl-clipart-hd-png.png)

{{{">>250 lmao!!!! 😂" | renderPostMessage 255}}}

No. 277
{{{"@non - v not com slash videos slash 180879 slash summer-0c36e660183f23e8" | renderPostMessage 277}}}

No. 278
{{{">>277 lame dude, that link was already posted. Post something we haven't seen" | renderPostMessage 278}}}

No. 280
{{{"Would be dope to see that facial." | renderPostMessage 280}}}

No. 286
{{{"Don’t buy from her, she takes your money and runs, learned it the hard way" | renderPostMessage 286}}}

No. 291
Open file(79.69 KB, 358x512, unnamed (4).jpg)

{{{">>286 I've heard this from pretty much everyone who's bought her shitty content, she's a scammer. Someone should permanently borrow her phone and laptop and out her. Post the nasty shit, if it even exists, lol" | renderPostMessage 291}}}

No. 308
{{{">>109\nMy favorite part of this video is she is getting thumb banged (not even finger banged but fucking thumb banged) is the dude thumbing her ask his homie in the back if he wants to get some head or something and he’s just like “nah I’m straight” like of course he’s not touching that thing. I love that." | renderPostMessage 308}}}

No. 310
{{{">>308\nPost this video" | renderPostMessage 310}}}

No. 311
{{{">>310\nI didn’t save it my guy plus it’s only maybe 30 seconds long and is only of one guy thumbing her. No other dudes. If she says there is a gang bang video she’s lying." | renderPostMessage 311}}}

No. 323
Open file(178.95 KB, 931x752, 203_1000~2.jpg)

{{{"Her new job at K.C.'s lmfao" | renderPostMessage 323}}}

No. 342
{{{"I don’t get it, this chick looks busted af. She’s built like wooden plank and her mouth looks like it was hit with one" | renderPostMessage 342}}}

No. 348
Open file(293.62 KB, 371x646, Capture+_2021-08-17-19-56-40~2.png)

{{{"She looks prettiest like this" | renderPostMessage 348}}}

No. 354
Open file(183.34 KB, 1124x792, 50B71852-6ABD-4B6F-8CAA-CCA5DF813FF0.jpeg)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 354}}}

No. 355
{{{"She needs more cum" | renderPostMessage 355}}}

No. 372
Open file(1.36 MB, 720x1196, Capture+_2021-02-17-23-19-57.png)

{{{">>354 never seen this vid. Could you post it?" | renderPostMessage 372}}}

No. 550
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 550}}}

No. 552
{{{"Ew she ugly" | renderPostMessage 552}}}

No. 553
Open file(787.96 KB, 791x1459, B699981E-ECFC-44FA-8653-493BB340FE7B.jpeg)

{{{"Her new name yall" | renderPostMessage 553}}}

No. 575
{{{"i’m hiring a PI, y’all are weird af and this shit ain’t worth the charges and jail time. you’ve been warned 🤷🏼‍♀️" | renderPostMessage 575}}}

No. 611
{{{">>575\nYour average PI cost $70/hr and I think you and I both know that’s out of your price range or you wouldn’t sell nudes for $6" | renderPostMessage 611}}}

No. 649
{{{"Y’all should see her “twerking” video lol" | renderPostMessage 649}}}

No. 865
{{{">>575 I love when bitches come on here and try scare us cos we got hold of ur shitty nudes. Tell your PL I’m squirting my juices all over the screen to your comment.\n\nDon’t want nudes leaked next time send them to a dude who’s not a clear fuckboy or don’t sell them $5 a piece you prosty. Also ur clearly one of the bitches that “only take black dick cos white dick small lol” like you are literally asking for it when you let some big black dude respam you slurping his bbc Schlong. Maybe if u stopped tryna be like every other generic chick out there and settled for a dude your race you would have this problem.\n\n>>611 said it best. If you’re stupid enough to sell nudes that cheap you’re obviously stupid AND poor. Your PL doesn’t have time to put a case because you got slutty and regret it. Own up to it and face the consequences you made for yourself.\n\nPlus you have a great body but face is 3/10 tops, maybe get that sorted and you’ll find some guys who won’t leak your shit to everyone on the internet x Love you summer goodluck" | renderPostMessage 865}}}

No. 866
{{{">>865 re c o r d** this site has a long list of weird banned words" | renderPostMessage 866}}}

No. 868
{{{"This bitch gave me herpes from a bj" | renderPostMessage 868}}}

No. 886
{{{">>868 damn dude, she's gross af" | renderPostMessage 886}}}

No. 1352
{{{"Is she still not fucking for money" | renderPostMessage 1352}}}

No. 1353
{{{">>1352 you mean she stopped doing that? It's known around town that she would do that. She used to post on t_w*i,t!t=r about it. She's super cringe and gross" | renderPostMessage 1353}}}
