Psycheswings - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2022-05-19T02:14:50.158Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

Open file(992.67 KB, 832x1800, 61c572d839ba062b66b57f8d1cb3c81d12e1a21cbfa3aa541526a53e4540a2e2.png)

Open file(326.68 KB, 1170x1555, b5146198b5d126db43d9e9ef2f75401abdfde35a36c57ffb9a200a86bd0757ef.jpg)

Open file(747.65 KB, 05bda9b863874fd76fae5051711e79130dc653f6e22477a25650097d794450e8.webm)

Open file(1.32 MB, bbc0bd74aa63d6f6a83fe16d67aa13eb363b43c297ab7296e1b9d7c9100ac65d.mp4)

Open file(467.04 KB, 13dd8314aad01780551c3c3fa1465f7cd4151fcff4cefb7d965cdc9406e2b37a.mp4)


No. 18231
{{{"She's started doing lewd content now if you ask her nicely and venmo/cashapp her. Anyone got anymore?" | renderPostMessage 18231}}}

No. 18232
{{{"How much did you pay? I'll give it a shot if you know" | renderPostMessage 18232}}}

No. 18233
Open file(120.58 KB, 1080x1179, 127844b4bc60aa5a9e33d2219489925ec7d1c5073968a9bfee75a953d073b3c4.jpg)

{{{">>18232\nThere was a TiTs forum thread where a guy had loads that he said he paid for. Got taken down but there was more. A couple of guys said they paid for video calls but never said how much." | renderPostMessage 18233}}}

No. 18234
{{{"Why does all the good shit get taken down 😂😂😂." | renderPostMessage 18234}}}

No. 18235
{{{">>18231 where did you find these videos?" | renderPostMessage 18235}}}

No. 18236
{{{"Dmed her on insta to see what would happen. Didn't mention vids yet" | renderPostMessage 18236}}}

No. 18237
{{{"Found the TiTs forum but it was indeed taken down" | renderPostMessage 18237}}}

No. 18238
{{{"Yeah were did ya find the vids" | renderPostMessage 18238}}}

No. 18244
{{{"They came from TiT guy, I assume. So he didn’t post the rest from the camera roll screenshot?" | renderPostMessage 18244}}}

No. 18245
{{{"You can still find some of the images on Google, but the actual forum is gone unfortunately." | renderPostMessage 18245}}}

No. 18264
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 18264}}}

No. 18268
{{{">>18245\nDamn, I looked and nothing there is that good. Instagram tier, nothing as good as the OP. Ty tho" | renderPostMessage 18268}}}

No. 18271
Open file(1.78 MB, 1649762453341.webm)

{{{">>18231\nThat's some crazy hypocrisy haha guess it isn't \"objectification\" if suger daddies are paying for it" | renderPostMessage 18271}}}

No. 18276
{{{"which site should i use in order for these vids to work? i'm using ib dot al right now. thanks" | renderPostMessage 18276}}}

No. 18278
{{{"She wants people to not objectify her yet posts herself bouncing all over the place. Go figure" | renderPostMessage 18278}}}

No. 18279
{{{"I didn't get 'em in time, even from the start." | renderPostMessage 18279}}}

No. 18282
{{{"Holy Moly" | renderPostMessage 18282}}}

No. 18286
{{{"Dream come true. Pls post more, anybody!!!" | renderPostMessage 18286}}}

No. 18297
{{{"awesome post! always wondered what Dee Snider would look like with a huge rack" | renderPostMessage 18297}}}

No. 18300
{{{"yup, need more. hopefully the TiT guy will post more" | renderPostMessage 18300}}}

No. 18309
{{{"Was some nudity posted and I missed it?" | renderPostMessage 18309}}}

No. 18319
{{{">>18309\nno" | renderPostMessage 18319}}}

No. 18322
{{{"I don't think there was anything with full nudity, just lewd" | renderPostMessage 18322}}}

No. 18324
{{{">>18279\nbruh there all on insat germ" | renderPostMessage 18324}}}

No. 18325
{{{"the ones that show up when you google it are, but not everything from that is on google" | renderPostMessage 18325}}}

No. 18326
{{{"The screenshot was from the TiT forum that's now gone. The due is out there somewhere lol" | renderPostMessage 18326}}}

No. 18346
{{{"Can't let this thread die, this chick is way too hot and someone 100% has more content like this" | renderPostMessage 18346}}}

No. 18371
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 18371}}}

No. 18393
{{{">>18378\nWhat was the username?" | renderPostMessage 18393}}}

No. 18424
Open file(5.94 MB, 1170x2532, 99096E7F-BA29-45F6-96B7-88226E79D611.png)

{{{"-" | renderPostMessage 18424}}}

No. 18427
{{{">>18424\nproof of what? you can upload jpgs?" | renderPostMessage 18427}}}

No. 18429
{{{"Lol Ok Bro Ur Literally Making Me Want To No Show Shit. Im Out" | renderPostMessage 18429}}}

No. 18434
{{{">>18424\nI mean forget the other anon, I'd be interested if your legit" | renderPostMessage 18434}}}

No. 18437
{{{">>18434\nhook set" | renderPostMessage 18437}}}

No. 18440
{{{">>18424\nIt literally says \"share or go away\" at the top of the page. Tits or gtfo is pretty much the slogan of the internet, it's not hard." | renderPostMessage 18440}}}

No. 18445
{{{"What’s ur reddit/ how do we buy" | renderPostMessage 18445}}}

No. 18446
{{{"Given the fact the lewds are in high demand and the fact news of their existence only broke recently it's very likely there will be a ton of scams running. I'd suggest not buying from random people on Reddit for a good while." | renderPostMessage 18446}}}

No. 18454
{{{">>18451\n>iOS Video is queued for conversion (40).\nHope this finished soon" | renderPostMessage 18454}}}

No. 18461
{{{"Looks like the insta got deleted" | renderPostMessage 18461}}}

No. 18462
{{{">>18461\nRIP\nMaybe someone paid so he bounced" | renderPostMessage 18462}}}

No. 18473
{{{">>18448\nSo you spent $50-100 each for 30 seconds nonude clips?\nI'm thinking, yeah, you can keep them" | renderPostMessage 18473}}}

No. 18492
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 18492}}}

No. 18499
{{{">>18451\n\n404" | renderPostMessage 18499}}}

No. 18513
Open file(13.78 MB, redditsave.com_imma_delete_soon-gnu0zsmxnut81.mp4)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 18513}}}

No. 18542
{{{">>18513\nVery nice" | renderPostMessage 18542}}}

No. 18565
{{{"Where's that seller teasing us with more content?" | renderPostMessage 18565}}}

No. 18631
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 18631}}}

No. 18633
Open file(8.30 MB, 5985251265165.mp4)

{{{"This is the full version btw" | renderPostMessage 18633}}}

No. 18634
Open file(5.64 MB, 54543254235543.mp4)

{{{">>18633" | renderPostMessage 18634}}}

No. 18635
Open file(919.12 KB, 5424364536.mp4)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 18635}}}

No. 18651
{{{"amazing vids guys ty, please keep sharing" | renderPostMessage 18651}}}

No. 18681
{{{"Just seeing 'This video has been restricted' for each post, anyone know how to change this? \n\nchange domain to .pk" | renderPostMessage 18681}}}

No. 18770
{{{"Bumping, can’t let this one die" | renderPostMessage 18770}}}

No. 18775
{{{"buump" | renderPostMessage 18775}}}

No. 18782
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 18782}}}

No. 18857
{{{">>18635\nWhy is this video restricted?" | renderPostMessage 18857}}}

No. 18885
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 18885}}}

No. 18976
{{{"Staying alive, bump bump bump" | renderPostMessage 18976}}}

No. 19051
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 19051}}}

No. 19115
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 19115}}}

No. 19155
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 19155}}}

No. 19196
{{{"So anyone got anything more?" | renderPostMessage 19196}}}

No. 19309
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 19309}}}

No. 19342
{{{"B U M P" | renderPostMessage 19342}}}

No. 19358
{{{"I'm gunna be real with you dog, bumping this 10 more times is what's gunna cause 1G worth of content to be posted. You just gotta keep at it." | renderPostMessage 19358}}}

No. 19373
{{{"boomp" | renderPostMessage 19373}}}

No. 19389
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 19389}}}

No. 19390
{{{"of all the huge tits already available on the internet why does this ugly tranny keep getting bumped" | renderPostMessage 19390}}}

No. 19414
{{{">>19390\n\nher titties are nice as hell shut up gay boy\n\nbumping" | renderPostMessage 19414}}}

No. 19423
{{{">>19414\nBump FAGGOTS need death" | renderPostMessage 19423}}}

No. 19453
{{{"Bump !" | renderPostMessage 19453}}}

No. 19539
{{{"BUMP" | renderPostMessage 19539}}}

No. 19506
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 19506}}}

No. 19517
{{{">>19390\n>>19423\n>reeeeeeeeeeee every girl I don't like is a tranny REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE\nNot you retards again. Go back." | renderPostMessage 19517}}}

No. 19571
{{{">>19517\nNah man. Just the ones with faces that look like skater bro burnouts who've eaten granite one too many. times.\n\nYou do you though. No judgement. Well maybe a little." | renderPostMessage 19571}}}

No. 19576
{{{">>19517\nJesus Christ, not only do you like dudes with tits, but you're also the bump faggot smfh." | renderPostMessage 19576}}}

No. 19579
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 19579}}}

No. 19556
Open file(415.42 KB, 2180x1016, 619516e1d8a509ec97724536922a71217c2166a7db114255afcbd2d8d23fa198.jpg)

{{{"She would look so much better with a mask on" | renderPostMessage 19556}}}

No. 19609
{{{">>19556\nStop, there’s no reason to post, say shit like that." | renderPostMessage 19609}}}

No. 19610
{{{">>19556\n>>19556\n\nOY VEY!" | renderPostMessage 19610}}}

No. 19615
{{{"Getting a bra titty fuck from this woman would be heavenly ." | renderPostMessage 19615}}}

No. 19654
{{{"For the love of God bump" | renderPostMessage 19654}}}

No. 19682
{{{"B U M P" | renderPostMessage 19682}}}

No. 19762
{{{"whom I to go against the grain\n\nBUMP" | renderPostMessage 19762}}}

No. 19805
Open file(305.12 KB, 1124x1476, image4.jpg)

{{{"-" | renderPostMessage 19805}}}

No. 19806
{{{"Keep it you greedy faggot." | renderPostMessage 19806}}}

No. 19807
{{{">>19805\nGo fuck yourself scammer.\nThe point of this board is to share what you have. Go sell on reddit with all your other incel friends" | renderPostMessage 19807}}}

No. 19808
{{{"You're gonna need to post one of those uncensored for anyone to take you seriously." | renderPostMessage 19808}}}

No. 19810
{{{">>19805\n150 btc is like 25-30k are you fucking insane" | renderPostMessage 19810}}}

No. 19811
{{{"You are fucking braindead if you think anyone in the world would ever pay you that much for some fucking nudes" | renderPostMessage 19811}}}

No. 19817
{{{">>19805\nYou could literally buy that bitch for that much btc, fuck outta here stupid ass nigga." | renderPostMessage 19817}}}

No. 19818
{{{">>19805\nAt least post one pic to get some interest jeez. That could just all be handbra's." | renderPostMessage 19818}}}

No. 19824
{{{"If you have them just share it what's the point in hoarding them nobody will pay you that much" | renderPostMessage 19824}}}

No. 19826
{{{"I’m pretty sure he means $150 lmao. Still way too much.>>19810" | renderPostMessage 19826}}}

No. 19828
{{{"Y’all ain’t shii" | renderPostMessage 19828}}}

No. 19830
{{{">>19828\nNeither are you for being a bitch ass hoarder" | renderPostMessage 19830}}}

No. 19832
{{{"😂 excuse me I’m a female I’m not fixing to risk getting exposed by a whole tag team of males but I know I ain’t shiii" | renderPostMessage 19832}}}

No. 19833
{{{"Post or go away" | renderPostMessage 19833}}}

No. 19834
{{{"Bump, i need it" | renderPostMessage 19834}}}

No. 19838
{{{">>19817\nFound the poorfag who doesn't understand money." | renderPostMessage 19838}}}

No. 19846
{{{">>19832\n>Im a female.\nMmhmm yup ya absolutely.\nPost tits, contribute to the thread, or gtfo" | renderPostMessage 19846}}}

No. 19850
{{{">>19805\nlmao at censoring nonnude pokies and handbra pics" | renderPostMessage 19850}}}

No. 19877
{{{"What’s her name / socials??" | renderPostMessage 19877}}}

No. 19881
{{{"Bump dudes a liar if one person has em someone else does to" | renderPostMessage 19881}}}

No. 19896
{{{">>19881\nFor sure sounds like a scam to me." | renderPostMessage 19896}}}

No. 19898
{{{"Saw the pic om other forms as well. Mf Def scamming" | renderPostMessage 19898}}}

No. 19905
{{{">>19904\nFake and gay" | renderPostMessage 19905}}}

No. 19974
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 19974}}}

No. 19976
{{{"Is that link safe?" | renderPostMessage 19976}}}

No. 19978
{{{">>19976\n\nIt's full of spam" | renderPostMessage 19978}}}

No. 19979
{{{"And it doesnt even work\nBruv" | renderPostMessage 19979}}}

No. 19982
{{{"You can literally use anonfiles, no one wants to see your fucking ads" | renderPostMessage 19982}}}

No. 19983
{{{"I doubt that they even have it" | renderPostMessage 19983}}}

No. 20008
{{{"So is this dead?" | renderPostMessage 20008}}}

No. 20043
{{{">>18231\nBump" | renderPostMessage 20043}}}

No. 20110
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 20110}}}

No. 20131
{{{">>20008\nbump\ndoes that answer your question?" | renderPostMessage 20131}}}

No. 20153
{{{"Too many people asking about them and the leaks bother her." | renderPostMessage 20153}}}

No. 20254
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 20254}}}

No. 20259
{{{"shes a dumb cunt just show your lil tits and be a good little slut !" | renderPostMessage 20259}}}

No. 20264
{{{">>20259\n\nhell yeah brother I just showed her this and she's totally down to get her tits out now" | renderPostMessage 20264}}}

No. 20273
{{{">>20264\nlmao" | renderPostMessage 20273}}}

No. 20426
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 20426}}}

No. 20427
{{{">>20264\nNice excellent work anon" | renderPostMessage 20427}}}

No. 20494
{{{"Damn this is still up?" | renderPostMessage 20494}}}

No. 20552
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 20552}}}

No. 20634
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 20634}}}

No. 20699
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 20699}}}
