golliegore - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2024-09-30T15:51:25.779Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

Open file(214.22 KB, 1116x1558, Screenshot_20220331-214139.jpg)


No. 33004
{{{"girl ugly, girl gross, square head, Neanderthal, why did you post her, etc. etc.\n\nanything new?" | renderPostMessage 33004}}}

No. 33028
{{{"she looks okay to me so wouldnt say any of those things. are there any more vids or photos of her?" | renderPostMessage 33028}}}

No. 33032
{{{"She hasn't streamed in years so remaking this thread for the 100th time every 3 months isn't going to net you any new win you retarded niggerfaggot. How about you stop being a greedy cunt and just unhoard what you have, and maybe someone will unhoard something they have been holding onto?\n\nbtw she's ugly with a square head and manly jaw." | renderPostMessage 33032}}}

No. 33034
{{{">>33032\nif i had anything, i would post it. i can only benefit from seeing more of her. this picture is from a stream that used to pop up on google. and this is as much as you see, unfortunately." | renderPostMessage 33034}}}

No. 33035
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 33035}}}

No. 33046
{{{"Someone might have something tho so it is always worth making a listing for her and asking \n>>33028\n>>33034" | renderPostMessage 33046}}}

No. 33090
{{{">>33032 You got your ass burned and handed back to you on a plate on another thread but here it is again for anyone who might have missed it.\n\n \"Do my eyes deceive me or is she a young girl who has big tits?\n\nYou can let us know when the board changes its name to ysgwbt so only skinny girls are allowed, until then shut your retarded nigger mouth you fucking autistic waste of genetic material. \n\nPeople like you show up in every god damn thread complaining about some random feature of the topic girl \"She's got a square head, she's built like a fridge, her eyes are too far apart, her nipples are look in opposite directions, GASP, SHES BLACK\" blah blah fucking blah we're here to jerk our fucking cocks to big titted teens not feature them in fucking teen vogues hottest model of the year competition.\n\nGo find a thread with a girl you DO like and scroll past the ones you don't. It's so fucking simple it should be common sense and yet I've got to see this exact same arguement on every single fucking thread.\"\n\n Read it again and then just accept your L and go take your dumb scrub carcass somewhere else." | renderPostMessage 33090}}}

No. 33126
{{{"Or you could admit that the plump thread is for fat girls. Having a specific place for posting fat girls would certainly imply that every other thread would be free of dump trucks with square heads, or whatever. Even the dumbest chubby chasers on the planet could understand that simple concept. Imagine a place where you could post all the fat ugly bitches your diseased little heart could desire without hearing anything from that dude or literally the rest of everyone on anon. I think you like the attention, really. Otherwise you'd put these future diabetic patients where they belong." | renderPostMessage 33126}}}

No. 33140
{{{">>33126 L" | renderPostMessage 33140}}}

No. 33150
{{{">>33126\nYgwbt belong on ygwbt. Chubby and fat girls who are not ygwbt belong on pl. Why are you so retarded that you can't understand this?" | renderPostMessage 33150}}}

No. 33155
{{{"I get that some girls people put on here are somewhat larger than others but how the fuck did you manage to see this girl as fat? I can see plenty of threads on here right now where they are a whole lot bigger than she is and you haven't said a word. >>33150" | renderPostMessage 33155}}}

No. 33159
{{{"see videos in https://www.pscp-/brokensenpai/ and \nhttps://www.pscp-/gollie_gore/\n\nOk,she have square head but she have Big tits... Shes a Young Girl With Big Tits.." | renderPostMessage 33159}}}

No. 33211
{{{">>33155\nThat... Was my point, anon. The retards screeching about how everyone they don't like belongs on /pl/ are the ones insisting she's fat. Guarantee they weigh at least double this girl's weight or are meth skinny." | renderPostMessage 33211}}}

No. 33212
{{{">>33126\n>plump thread\nAlso, retards, learn what words mean. For probably the millionth time you mean \"board\" \n\nHow are you capable of posting with this much brain damage?" | renderPostMessage 33212}}}

No. 33247
{{{">>33211\nShe's not fat but she sure is gross to look at." | renderPostMessage 33247}}}

No. 33262
{{{">>33247\nCry harder then." | renderPostMessage 33262}}}

No. 33330
{{{">>33126\nOr you could admit that having a specific place for posting young girls with big tits would certainly imply that every other thread would be free of young girls with big tits. \n\nTherefore we're not allowed to post these young girls with big tits on /pl/ because thats not what that board is for.\n\nImagine getting fucked by your own logic" | renderPostMessage 33330}}}

No. 33388
{{{"Where’d the pic come from?" | renderPostMessage 33388}}}

No. 33397
{{{">>33388\nOne of the streams he's hoarding. He comes here every couple of months to beg for more but has NEVER shared any of his own stash." | renderPostMessage 33397}}}

No. 33401
{{{"Unless the young girl with the big tits is fat. Then she goes on the fat pile. Imagine thinking you're good enough to fuck someone with their own logic. Just go enjoy your fat ugly girls in the place where people go for fat ugly girls. Then you'd have so much more to look at with people who like what you like." | renderPostMessage 33401}}}

No. 33407
{{{">>33401\nCry more about how everything on the internet isn't catered to you." | renderPostMessage 33407}}}

No. 33416
{{{">>33407\nOnly a sad faggot weeping dreadfully in his lonesome tells random online people to cry over not wanting to see gross people on a porn board. People who complain about complaints are even worse off than the latter. Get bent, master of projection." | renderPostMessage 33416}}}

No. 33420
{{{"like to see more of her pls so any video or more pics of her?" | renderPostMessage 33420}}}

No. 33421
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 33421}}}

No. 33424
{{{">>33416 I see this dumbass incel choad is back with his imaginary rules and categories for who or what people should see" | renderPostMessage 33424}}}

No. 33432
{{{">>33416\nGet bent neckbeard . Go fuck your mother again" | renderPostMessage 33432}}}

No. 33577
{{{">>33432 that's probably his dream but even an escort wouldn't want to take money and have to spend time with him" | renderPostMessage 33577}}}

No. 33684
{{{"had someone got some video or pix and is hoarding or are there just those streams mentioned above? did she do private or be live now?" | renderPostMessage 33684}}}

No. 33820
{{{">>33684 no idea. Some people have said that she did some things in private and someone else here says that it’s being hoarded so who knows for sure. The only way we will know is if anything gets posted" | renderPostMessage 33820}}}

No. 33979
{{{">>33820 is she the one who wears all the masks?" | renderPostMessage 33979}}}

No. 33980
{{{">>33820\n99% of girls show eventually but like most periscope privates you will never see them. These things are hoarded harder than solid gold." | renderPostMessage 33980}}}

No. 34096
{{{">>33979 yeah thats the same girl" | renderPostMessage 34096}}}

No. 34199
{{{"bump. definitely like to see more of her" | renderPostMessage 34199}}}

No. 34251
{{{">>33820>>33820 Remember seeing before that she might have done some (not sure if in private or perhaps public on Peri so maybe she had bans and that's why she had a few different account names) but that she mainly went in private with someone she said was her boyfriend who I think was non US (perhaps from UK or Europe?) \n\nHe is probably the only main source so unless he has anything to post or somebody else has some then that might be all unless anyone knows more about her?" | renderPostMessage 34251}}}

No. 34488
{{{">>34251 So either he is the only one with anything or it is hoarded? Still think someone may have something of her tho" | renderPostMessage 34488}}}

No. 34489
{{{">>34251\nSounds like your typical groomer.\n\nKnowing what these guys are like I can promise you for as long as you live you will never have what he's hoarding, so I wouldn't even bother thinking about it, it's only going to leave you disappointed." | renderPostMessage 34489}}}

No. 34621
{{{"If thats the case then it sounds like wins of her are unlikely >>34489" | renderPostMessage 34621}}}

No. 34826
{{{">>34621 Perhaps but sure someone has mentioned wins from her here" | renderPostMessage 34826}}}

No. 34876
{{{"I followed her on peri and even in locked rooms she only ever showed bra while she was changing. Never even teased. I heard in private with her bf at the time she showed everything but they have never been leaked as far as I know" | renderPostMessage 34876}}}

No. 34941
{{{">>34876\nso the obvious next question is, did you cap the bra flash at least?" | renderPostMessage 34941}}}

No. 35154
Open file(725.32 KB, 1440x2340, 20210102_102604_1178654.jpg)

Open file(383.33 KB, 372x617, IMG_9551.PNG)

Open file(431.45 KB, 366x720, IMG_9549.PNG)

Open file(806.40 KB, 946x577, IMG_9550.PNG)

Open file(647.64 KB, 1440x2306, 20210102_102549_1178655.jpg)

{{{"Think this is same girl. These were on here before (from perisope may be?) but dont have any videos of her" | renderPostMessage 35154}}}

No. 35188
{{{">>35154 thnks for them. any more?" | renderPostMessage 35188}}}

No. 35191
{{{">>35154\nYou could smash granite with that chin" | renderPostMessage 35191}}}

No. 35223
{{{">>35191 doubt she would be interested in those 3 little peebles in your pants so you will be safe enough" | renderPostMessage 35223}}}

No. 35259
{{{"bump for any more of her that people have" | renderPostMessage 35259}}}

No. 35544
{{{">>35188 will have a look but dont remember anything too exciting" | renderPostMessage 35544}}}

No. 35757
{{{"someone mentioned before about seeing her nude and bate one time but don't know if that is just bs or real" | renderPostMessage 35757}}}

No. 35983
{{{"Bump. I wanna see them big ole titties" | renderPostMessage 35983}}}

No. 36108
{{{"yeah me too as they look real nice but haven't seen much of her so far" | renderPostMessage 36108}}}

No. 36276
{{{">>35757 do you have any or have you seen any?" | renderPostMessage 36276}}}

No. 36480
{{{"bump for any that people have of her and can share" | renderPostMessage 36480}}}

No. 36732
{{{">>35154\nyou have these vids or others to share?\n\n>>34876\nany of these locked vids?" | renderPostMessage 36732}}}

No. 36735
{{{">>36733 Is a spam survey site so don't waste your time" | renderPostMessage 36735}}}

No. 36736
{{{"I was in one of the peri groups that she “showed” in.\n\nIt was merely a slip while she was wearing an oversized tshirt. You could barely make out her boob hanging while she bent down to grab something.\n\nI’m sure someone has a screen but I followed into every single one of those groups she ever made and unless I missed one, she never showed anything.\n\nRegardless, I’d still pound this female lord farquaad anyday." | renderPostMessage 36736}}}

No. 36738
{{{">>36736 Did she do many private/group videos or was it mainly just public with low viewers? If she did do private/group videos then its possible that theres something of her out there" | renderPostMessage 36738}}}

No. 36757
{{{"How you get so hung up on a pig like this? I can practically smell the people on this thread from my house." | renderPostMessage 36757}}}

No. 36781
{{{">>36757\nIt weirds me out as well, the greatest tits in the world couldn't save my boner from that face" | renderPostMessage 36781}}}

No. 36969
{{{"some of you guys make me laugh. why comment on someone you don't like? that just gets it more attention or is that the idea?" | renderPostMessage 36969}}}

No. 36990
{{{">>36738\nPublic was high pop\nPrv ranged as people made the groups for her and she bounced around between them." | renderPostMessage 36990}}}

No. 37052
{{{">>36990 thx for reply. would be good if someone had something but maybe she did nothing or nobody respamed when she did" | renderPostMessage 37052}}}

No. 37054
{{{">>37052 not respamed I mean made a copy at the time" | renderPostMessage 37054}}}

No. 37428
{{{"I remember her with all the masks and that strange wooden room! Not sure if anyone managed to get anything of her but would live to see anything" | renderPostMessage 37428}}}

No. 38208
{{{"damn, minecraft steve has nice tits" | renderPostMessage 38208}}}

No. 38343
{{{"Seem to be in the minority here but I think shes pretty cute and would like to see more of her" | renderPostMessage 38343}}}

No. 38401
{{{"Bump for more of her" | renderPostMessage 38401}}}

No. 38402
{{{"That has to be the world's most unfortunate head. Only thing worse than having that head would be feeling like you couldn't get someone so mishapen and going to an anonymous image board to repeatedly beg for nudes of that head only to be shut down every damn time. Whoof." | renderPostMessage 38402}}}

No. 38435
{{{">>36990 if others made the groups for hers then there may be some videos of her worth seeing" | renderPostMessage 38435}}}

No. 38919
{{{"Really great body on her so would love to see more or her but like someone said earlier on, no one seems to have posted any topless or nude of her so either there isnt any or its being hoarded. Hope that someone can deliver something and prove me wrong tho" | renderPostMessage 38919}}}

No. 39391
{{{">>38343\nAgree but I think that her stuff either doesn't exist, wasn't captured at the time or hasn't been shared anywhere tho" | renderPostMessage 39391}}}

No. 39392
{{{"Thank fuck for that" | renderPostMessage 39392}}}

No. 39497
Open file(725.93 KB, 598x1061, Screen Shot 4.png)

Open file(762.76 KB, 597x1063, Screen Shot.png)

Open file(786.87 KB, 597x1053, Screen Shot 5.png)

Open file(914.97 KB, 599x1061, Screen Shot 3.png)

{{{">>36736 was this in her group?" | renderPostMessage 39497}}}

No. 39503
{{{"Do you have the cap for it?" | renderPostMessage 39503}}}

No. 39508
{{{">>39497\nIf only she was facing front. Thanks for posting these though" | renderPostMessage 39508}}}

No. 39548
{{{">>39497\nthanks. can you post this video or others pls?" | renderPostMessage 39548}}}

No. 39755
{{{">>39497 you have more video of her?" | renderPostMessage 39755}}}

No. 39818
{{{">>39497\nFinally getting somwehere" | renderPostMessage 39818}}}

No. 39855
{{{">>39818 really think someone has full videos or photos" | renderPostMessage 39855}}}

No. 40014
{{{">>39855 me too but will they ever get posted?" | renderPostMessage 40014}}}

No. 40277
{{{">>40014 who knows? I remember her on peri and she is one I'd like to see naked but haven't really seen or heard of anything yet" | renderPostMessage 40277}}}

No. 40492
{{{">>39497 Do you just have these screenshots or do you have the actual video(s) they are from? Can you post the videos if you have them please?" | renderPostMessage 40492}}}

No. 40661
{{{"Does anyone still have her Not allowed?" | renderPostMessage 40661}}}

No. 40802
{{{">>39855 yep I do too" | renderPostMessage 40802}}}

No. 40808
{{{"Why the fuck are you virgins still on about this?" | renderPostMessage 40808}}}

No. 40859
{{{">>40808 so that pricks like you can have yet another thing to complain about" | renderPostMessage 40859}}}

No. 41631
{{{"Bump. Not sure if we will get anything but worth trying" | renderPostMessage 41631}}}

No. 41980
{{{"Has anyone ever see her boobs or naked then or is it y'all just being hopeful?" | renderPostMessage 41980}}}

No. 42407
{{{">>39497 Could you share this video or any other videos/photos that you have of her pls?" | renderPostMessage 42407}}}

No. 42599
{{{"this has gotta be the worst thread on this site lmao" | renderPostMessage 42599}}}

No. 42922
{{{"Might be in a minority here as I do think that she's pretty sexy but does anyone actually have any good content with her or has she even done anything?" | renderPostMessage 42922}}}

No. 42927
{{{"Lmao. Over a month on the board with 83 posts and this dude shows up at the buzzer... not to post wins but to ask if anyone has anything. I can practically smell your retarded, unbathed neck beards through my screen." | renderPostMessage 42927}}}

No. 43647
{{{"I just think that she is either being hoarded. wasnt captured at the time or didnt actually do anything (but I'm still pretty sure someone has wins for her)" | renderPostMessage 43647}}}

No. 43703
{{{">>43647\nI just think it's odd that she wouldn't have anything bc I remember she kept having to make new accounts" | renderPostMessage 43703}}}

No. 43708
{{{">>43703 Agree about that" | renderPostMessage 43708}}}

No. 44775
{{{"Still hopeful that someone has some videos or photos of her" | renderPostMessage 44775}}}

No. 46901
{{{"Did anything worthwhile ever get posted of her? Is she still about anywhere?" | renderPostMessage 46901}}}

No. 46961
{{{"I think she's hot in a butterface kinda way" | renderPostMessage 46961}}}

No. 46979
{{{">>33004\nI'd hit it but would take the secret to my grave" | renderPostMessage 46979}}}

No. 47222
{{{">>46961\n>>46979\nwe know that we all would - you don't look at the mantlepiece while you're poking the fire" | renderPostMessage 47222}}}

No. 48124
{{{"think basically all of us would if we got a chance to" | renderPostMessage 48124}}}

No. 49009
{{{">>48124 Of course we would. Are there hotter girls on here? Yeah but she does have a great body" | renderPostMessage 49009}}}

No. 49662
{{{"bump for more of her" | renderPostMessage 49662}}}

No. 50338
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 50338}}}

No. 50529
{{{"bamp" | renderPostMessage 50529}}}

No. 51361
{{{"Did we ever find out if there are any wins for her?" | renderPostMessage 51361}}}

No. 52079
{{{">>51361 someone said before that there was but never actually seen any of her" | renderPostMessage 52079}}}

No. 52943
{{{">>33004 bump" | renderPostMessage 52943}}}

No. 53071
{{{">>52079 Did they say what she did in them?" | renderPostMessage 53071}}}